+Advent of Code
(7 entries)+Enhancing Functor Structures
(2 entries)+Beginner/Intermediate Haskell Projects
(8 entries)+Introduction to Singletons
(4 entries)+Functional Models
(3 entries)+Backprop
(1 entries)+Hamilton
(2 entries)+Practical Dependent Types in Haskell
(2 entries)+Uncertain
(1 entries)A little intermediate Haskell walk through representing numbers with inherent uncertainty and the implementation of my uncertain library, going over and applying several intermediate Haskell concepts.
+Haskell Mythbusters
(2 entries)+All About Auto
(3 entries)Series of introductions and tutorials for my auto library, a library offering a denotative, locally stateful programming DSL and platform.
+Intro to Machines and Arrows
(3 entries)+Huffman Compression
(3 entries)+MonadPlus: Success/Failure Monads
(3 entries)Short series on the abstractions and uses of the MonadPlus typeclass — objects whose monad instance represent success/failure.
+Practical Monads
(3 entries)Ongoing series exploring interesting objects and their curious monad instances.
+Path Integral Monte Carlo
(1 entries)Series exploring the theory and implementation behind the Feynman Path Integral Monte Carlo numerical technique. The series convers many subjects in both physics and computational techniques, including the Lagrangian formulation of classical mechanics, basic principles of quantum mechanics, the Path Integral formatulion of quantum mechanics, the Metropolis-Hastings Monte Carlo method, dealing with entropy and randomness in a pure language, and general principles in numerical computation!
+Introduction to Control Theory
(2 entries)A series of introductions to the subtle craft of controlling physical things effectively.