Enhancing Functor Structures Step-By-Step (Part 2)

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Welcome to Part 2 of the “Enhancing Functor Structures” series! Here we are taking a base structure describing a data type schema and enhancing it step-by-step with new functory capabilities: first, covariant capabilities (to generate parsers), then contravariant capabilities (to generate serializers)…who knows what might be in store next?

Please do check out Part 1 if you haven’t already, since this post pretty much jumps straight into things!

Parsing and Serializing Invariantly

As we left off our project, we had done three things:

  1. Started with a simple ADT representing the structure we want to be able to express
  2. Enhanced that simple ADT with Covariant Functor capabilities, in order to interpret it as a parser
  3. Enhanced that original simple ADT with Contravariant Functor, in order to interpret it as a serializer.

From this, it seems the next logical step would be to add both enhancements to the same structure!

There are some clear benefits to this — on the surface, it means we only have to write code once to get all three things (documentation, parsing, and serialization). Less code means less bugs!

Even deeper, we can now ensure that our “serialization” and “parsing” functions are always “in sync”. If we defined a separate process/type for serializing and a separate process/type for parsing, then it’s possible we might accidentally make errors in keeping them in sync…one might use a different tag, or we might make changes to one but not the other during refactoring. There’s a good chance you have been bitten by situations where documentation becomes out of sync with actual code.

Adding Invariance

Like before, the main thing we need to change at the fundamental level is Primitive:

-- source: https://github.com/mstksg/inCode/tree/master/code-samples/functor-structures/invariant.hs#L39-L42

data Primitive a =
      PString (a -> String)     (String     -> Maybe a)
    | PNumber (a -> Scientific) (Scientific -> Maybe a)
    | PBool   (a -> Bool)       (Bool       -> Maybe a)

We’re just basically combining the additions we made to enable parsing with the additions we made to enable serialization. Our new Primitive type gives us the capability to do both!

We can say this new Primitive is an “Invariant” Functor: these are functors that give you “both” capabilities: interpreting covariantly and contravariantly.

Because we must be able to eventually use either covariant or contravariant interpretation on an invariant functor, the corresponding mapping function takes functions in both ways in order to support both on consumption-time.

class Invariant f where
    invmap :: (a -> b) -> (b -> a) -> f a -> f b

DivAp and DecAlt

By now, we know the drill. We also need to change our RecordType and SumType constructors to get the right type of container.

-- Covariant Schema
-- source: https://github.com/mstksg/inCode/tree/master/code-samples/functor-structures/parse.hs#L25-L29

data Schema a =
      RecordType  (Ap    Field  a)
    | SumType     (ListF Choice a)
    | SchemaLeaf  (Primitive a)
  deriving Functor
-- Contravariant Schema
-- source: https://github.com/mstksg/inCode/tree/master/code-samples/functor-structures/serialize.hs#L21-L24

data Schema a =
      RecordType  (Div Field  a)
    | SumType     (Dec Choice a)
    | SchemaLeaf  (Primitive a)

For the covariant RecordType, we used Ap Field a. For the contravariant RecordType, we used Div Field a. Is there a type that combines both Ap and Div?

If we browse around, we see that we have DivAp from the functor-combinatotrs library…which appears to be named to in a way to invoke the idea of having both Ap and Div capabilities, combined together.

For the covariant SumType, we used ListF Choice a. For the contravariant SumType, we used Dec Choice a. Is there a type that combines both ListF and Dec?

If we look nearby DivAp, we see the answer: DecAlt! It combines both ListF and Dec.

Building an Invariant Schema

Let’s wire it up:

-- source: https://github.com/mstksg/inCode/tree/master/code-samples/functor-structures/invariant.hs#L24-L42

data Schema a =
      RecordType  (DivAp  Field  a)
    | SumType     (DecAlt Choice a)
    | SchemaLeaf  (Primitive a)

data Field a = Field
    { fieldName  :: String
    , fieldValue :: Schema a

data Choice a = Choice
    { choiceName  :: String
    , choiceValue :: Schema a

data Primitive a =
      PString (a -> String)     (String     -> Maybe a)
    | PNumber (a -> Scientific) (Scientific -> Maybe a)
    | PBool   (a -> Bool)       (Bool       -> Maybe a)

Writing a schema using this type is going to be very similar to writing one for our other schema types:

-- source: https://github.com/mstksg/inCode/tree/master/code-samples/functor-structures/invariant.hs#L55-L72

customerSchema :: Schema Customer
customerSchema = SumType $
    swerve (\case CPerson x y -> Left (x,y); CBusiness x -> Right x)
           (uncurry CPerson)
        (inject Choice
          { choiceName  = "Person"
          , choiceValue = RecordType $ gathered
              (inject Field { fieldName = "Name", fieldValue = SchemaLeaf pString })
              (inject Field { fieldName = "Age" , fieldValue = SchemaLeaf pInt    })
        (inject Choice
          { choiceName  = "Business"
          , choiceValue = RecordType $
              inject Field { fieldName = "Age" , fieldValue = SchemaLeaf pInt }

The main difference is, while decide expects the a -> Either b c splitting function, swerve (the invariant DecAlt equivalent) expects also the functions to “recombine” the b and c back to a.

    :: (a -> Either b c)    -- ^ break into branches
    -> (b -> a)             -- ^ put the branch back into the original input
    -> (c -> a)             -- ^ put the branch back into the original input
    -> DecAlt f b           -- ^ handle first branch
    -> DecAlt f c           -- ^ handle second branch
    -> DecAlt f a           -- ^ overall handler

    :: (Customer -> Either (String, Int) Int)   -- ^ break into branches
    -> ((String, Int) -> Customer)              -- ^ put the CPerson branch back into a Customer
    -> (Int -> Customer)                        -- ^ put the CBusiness branch back into a Customer
    -> DecAlt Choice (String, Int)              -- ^ handle CPerson branch
    -> DecAlt Choice Int                        -- ^ handle CBusiness branch
    -> DecAlt Choice Customer

-- compare to what we used last time:
    :: (Customer -> Either (String, Int) Int)   -- ^ break into branches
    -> Dec Choice (String, Int)                 -- ^ handle CPerson branch
    -> Dec Choice Int                           -- ^ handle CBusiness branch
    -> Dec Choice Customer

We also note that the invariant version of divided is gathered.

    :: DivAp f a          -- ^ first handler
    -> DivAp f b          -- ^ second handler
    -> DivAp f (a, b)     -- ^ merged handler

    :: DivAp Field String          -- ^ handle the cpName field
    -> DivAp Field Int             -- ^ handle the cpAge field
    -> DivAp Field (String, Int)   -- ^ handle both together

-- compare to what we used last time:
    :: Div Field String          -- ^ handle the cpName field
    -> Div Field Int             -- ^ handle the cpAge field
    -> Div Field (String, Int)   -- ^ handle both together

Using Invariant Schema

Let’s look into writing our interpreters. Luckily, we already did most of the work in the previous post. Writing schemaDoc, schemaParser, and schemaToValue, we can re-use pretty much all of our code!

The main (unfortunate) difference is that instead of using interpret in every case, we must use runCoDivAp to run our DivAp in a covariant setting, and runContraDivAp to run our DivAp in a contravariant setting (similarly for runCoDecAlt and runContraDecAlt).1

-- source: https://github.com/mstksg/inCode/tree/master/code-samples/functor-structures/invariant.hs#L74-L150

    :: String       -- ^ name
    -> Schema x     -- ^ schema
    -> PP.Doc a
schemaDoc title = \case
    RecordType fs -> PP.vsep [
        PP.pretty ("{" <> title <> "}")
      , PP.indent 2 . PP.vsep $
          htoList (\fld -> "*" PP.<+> PP.indent 2 (fieldDoc fld)) fs
    SumType cs    -> PP.vsep [
        PP.pretty ("(" <> title <> ")")
      , "Choice of:"
      , PP.indent 2 . PP.vsep $
          htoList choiceDoc cs
    SchemaLeaf p  -> PP.pretty (title <> ":")
              PP.<+> primDoc p
    fieldDoc :: Field x -> PP.Doc a
    fieldDoc (Field name val) = schemaDoc name val
    choiceDoc :: Choice x -> PP.Doc a
    choiceDoc (Choice name val) = schemaDoc name val
    primDoc :: Primitive x -> PP.Doc a
    primDoc = \case
      PString _ _ -> "string"
      PNumber _ _ -> "number"
      PBool   _ _ -> "bool"

    :: Schema a
    -> A.Parse String a
schemaParser = \case
    RecordType fs -> runCoDivAp  fieldParser  fs
    SumType    cs -> runCoDecAlt choiceParser cs
    SchemaLeaf p  -> primParser p
    choiceParser :: Choice b -> A.Parse String b
    choiceParser (Choice name val) = do
      tag <- A.key "tag" A.asString
      unless (tag == name) $
        A.throwCustomError "Tag does not match"
      A.key "contents" $ schemaParser val
    fieldParser :: Field b -> A.Parse String b
    fieldParser (Field name val) = A.key (T.pack name) (schemaParser val)
    primParser :: Primitive b -> A.Parse String b
    primParser = \case
      PString _ f -> A.withString $
        maybe (Left "error validating string") Right . f
      PNumber _ f -> A.withScientific $
        maybe (Left "error validating number") Right . f
      PBool _ f -> A.withBool $
        maybe (Left "error validating bool") Right . f

    :: Schema a
    -> a
    -> Aeson.Value
schemaToValue = \case
    RecordType fs -> Aeson.object
                   . getOp (runContraDivAp  fieldToValue  fs)
    SumType    cs -> getOp (runContraDecAlt choiceToValue cs)
    SchemaLeaf p  -> primToValue p
    choiceToValue :: Choice x -> Op Aeson.Value x
    choiceToValue (Choice name val) = Op $ \x -> Aeson.object
      [ "tag"      Aeson..= T.pack name
      , "contents" Aeson..= schemaToValue val x
    fieldToValue :: Field x -> Op [Aeson.Pair] x
    fieldToValue (Field name val) = Op $ \x ->
        [T.pack name Aeson..= schemaToValue val x]
    primToValue :: Primitive x -> x -> Aeson.Value
    primToValue = \case
      PString f _ -> Aeson.String . T.pack . f
      PNumber f _ -> Aeson.Number . f
      PBool   f _ -> Aeson.Bool . f

And there we have it — a fully functional bidirectional parser schema type that we assembled step-by-step, adding each piece incrementally and exploring the space until we found something useful for us. We have a single schema that can represent documentation, parsing, and serialization in a way that they are all kept in sync, after writing things only once!

A cute function we could write to tie things together would be one that does a round-trip, serializing and then parsing, to make sure things worked properly.

-- source: https://github.com/mstksg/inCode/tree/master/code-samples/functor-structures/invariant.hs#L152-L156

    :: Schema a
    -> a
    -> Either (A.ParseError String) a
testRoundTrip sch = A.parseValue (schemaParser sch) . schemaToValue sch
ghci> testRoundTrip customerSchema (CPerson "Sam" 40)
Right (CPerson {cpName = "Sam", cpAge = 40})

Looks solid to me!

An Alternative Invariant Strategy

The thought process “I want to use both Div and Ap, let’s just look for DivAp” is kind of nice and straightforward. However, there’s a major downside in using DivAp and DecAlt that make their ergonomics not so great when building them up.

A major part about what makes Ap and ListF (and, to an extent, Div and Dec) so nice to use is that they are instances of popular Haskell typeclasses like Applicative and Alternative (or Plus) and using Applicative and Alternative interfaces are pretty common in Haskell. Because of this, they are pretty comfortable for most Haskellers to use.

However, DivAp and DecAlt aren’t really instances of any commonly used typeclass (aside from Invariant).2 So you really don’t have any nice interface for them other than just using functions specifically written for them, like gather and swerve, which may feel ad-hoc.

Luckily, there’s another way to achieve the same goals and also be able to take advantage of our favorite familiar interfaces. We can “add Contravariance” directly into Ap itself, using Pre. This is a trick I first saw used in the unjson library.

Recall that Ap Field a is a collection that contains a bunch of Field xs of different xs, and can be used to covariantly produce an a by combining all of the xs back together.

Now, a value of type:

Ap (Pre r Field) a

will “produce” as covariantly…but will “consume” rs contravariantly. You can think of the Pre r as adding an “tunnel” to guide the r to each Field in the Ap.

Because Ap is Ap (famous for its Applicative instance), we can use normal Applicative combinators to combine our fake invariant type:

pure :: a -> Ap (Pre r Field) a

    :: Ap (Pre r Field) (a -> b)
    -> Ap (Pre r Field) a
    -> Ap (Pre r Field) b

    :: (a -> b -> c)
    -> Ap (Pre r Field) a
    -> Ap (Pre r Field) b
    -> Ap (Pre r Field) c

We see that the Applicative combinators will recombine our “output” covariant types appropriately, but will keep the “input” contravariant type constant3

We can construct a value of type Ap (Pre r Field) a using injectPre, which asks us to provide that “get an a from r” function up-front:

injectPre :: (r -> a) -> f a -> Ap (Pre r f) a

How do we interpret out of Ap (Pre r f) a? Well, there’s a useful newtype wrapper over Pre called PreT that makes consuming and interpreting it very clean, by requiring the r and a to be the same:

newtype PreT t f a = PreT (t (Pre a f) a)

-- | `inject` works just like it did before with `Ap` and `Div`: put that `f`
-- into a `PreT`
inject :: f a -> PreT Ap f a

-- | interpret for PreT treats `PreT Ap f a` as if it were just `Ap f a`, so we
-- interpret into an `Applicative` context, like we did with the parsers when
-- we used `Ap f a`.
    :: Applicative g
    => (forall x. f x -> g x)
    -> PreT Ap f a
    -> g a

-- | But we can also interpret into a `Divisible` context!  Just like when we
-- used `Div f a` to write our serializer!
    :: Divisible g
    => (forall x. f x -> g x)
    -> PreT Ap f a
    -> g a

-- | We can also use htoList like before
    :: (forall x. f x -> b)
    -> PreT Ap f a
    -> [b]

We see that interpret for PreT Ap f a works just like interpret for Ap f a; we don’t lose any power, it’s the same as always if we wanted to just use Ap f a covariantly to interpret into a parser. Exactly what we did when we wrote our parser generation.

But, we also gain preDivisibleT, which lets us interpret into a contravariant Divisible context! Just like as if we had Div f a! This is exactly what we did when we wrote our serializers.

So using Pre and PreT, we get to assemble it using our favorite Applicative combinators…then when we wrap it in PreT, we get to interpret it in whatever way we want by choosing different interpreters. It’s the best of both worlds!

We can do the opposite thing with Dec as well: we can use Post to embed covariant capabilities in Dec.

Recall that Div Choice a is a collection that contains a bunch of Choice xs of different xs, and can be used to contravariantly consume an a (by sending the a to one of the different Choice xs).

A value of type:

Dec (Post r Choice) a

will “consume” as contravariantly (like a normal Dec), but will also produce rs covariantly. You can think of the Post r as adding an “tunnel” allowing the output of each Choice to exit out of the Dec.

This means we can now use normal Conclude contravariant typeclass-based combinators to combine our fake invariant type:

    :: (a -> Either b c)        -- ^ break into branches
    -> Dec (Post r Choice) b    -- ^ handle first branch
    -> Dec (Post r Choice) c    -- ^ handle second branch
    -> Dec (Post r Choice) a    -- ^ overall handler

We see that decide will recombine our “input” contravariant types appropriately, but will keep the “output” covariant type constant4.

Again, we can construct a value of type Dec (Post r Choice) a using injectPost, which asks us to provide that “embed the a in the r” function up-front:

injectPost :: (a -> r) -> f a -> Dec (Post r f) a

And again, we have the newtype wrapper PostT that gives us convenient interpreting functions:

newtype PostT t f a = PostT (t (Post a f) a)

-- | `inject` works just like it did before with `Dec` and `ListF`: put that `f`
-- into a `PostT`
inject :: f a -> PostT Dec f a

-- | interpret for PostT treats `PostT Dec f a` as if it were just `Dec f a`, so we
-- interpret into a `Conclude` context, like we did with the serializers when
-- we used `Dec f a`
    :: Conclude g
    => (forall x. f x -> g x)
    -> PostT Dec f a
    -> g a

-- | But we can also interpret into a `Plus` context!  Just like when we
-- used `ListF f a` to write our parser generation!
    :: Plus g
    => (forall x. f x -> g x)
    -> PostT Choice f a
    -> g a

-- | We can also use htoList like before
    :: (forall x. f x -> b)
    -> PostT Choice f a
    -> [b]

We get the same benefits as for PreT: if we want to interpret into a Conclude (like we did for our serializers), we can use interpret. If we want to interpret into a Plus (like we did for our parser generation), we can use postPlusT.

With these new tools, we can imagine a different invariant Schema type:

-- source: https://github.com/mstksg/inCode/tree/master/code-samples/functor-structures/routing.hs#L36-L85

data Schema a =
      RecordType  (PreT  Ap  Field  a)
    | SumType     (PostT Dec Choice a)
    | SchemaLeaf  (Primitive a)

data Field a = Field
    { fieldName  :: String
    , fieldValue :: Schema a

data Choice a = Choice
    { choiceName  :: String
    , choiceValue :: Schema a

data Primitive a =
      PString (a -> String)     (String     -> Maybe a)
    | PNumber (a -> Scientific) (Scientific -> Maybe a)
    | PBool   (a -> Bool)       (Bool       -> Maybe a)

customerSchema :: Schema Customer
customerSchema = SumType . PostT $
    decide (\case CPerson x y -> Left (x, y); CBusiness x -> Right x)
      (injectPost (uncurry CPerson) Choice
        { choiceName = "Person"
        , choiceValue = RecordType . PreT $ (,)
            <$> injectPre fst Field { fieldName = "Name", fieldValue = SchemaLeaf pString }
            <*> injectPre snd Field { fieldName = "Age" , fieldValue = SchemaLeaf pInt    }
      (injectPost CBusiness         Choice
        { choiceName = "Person"
        , choiceValue = RecordType . inject $
            Field { fieldName = "Age" , fieldValue = SchemaLeaf pInt    }

Note that to build up choiceValue for Person, we can use our normal favorite Appliciative combinators, like <$> and <*>! And at the top level, we use decide like we did before with our general contravariant combinators.

All of our running functions look pretty much the same as well:

-- source: https://github.com/mstksg/inCode/tree/master/code-samples/functor-structures/routing.hs#L87-L167

    :: String       -- ^ name
    -> Schema x     -- ^ schema
    -> PP.Doc a
schemaDoc title = \case
    RecordType fs -> PP.vsep [
        PP.pretty ("{" <> title <> "}")
      , PP.indent 2 . PP.vsep $
          htoList (\fld -> "*" PP.<+> PP.indent 2 (fieldDoc fld)) fs
    SumType cs    -> PP.vsep [
        PP.pretty ("(" <> title <> ")")
      , "Choice of:"
      , PP.indent 2 . PP.vsep $
          htoList choiceDoc cs
    SchemaLeaf p  -> PP.pretty (title <> ":")
              PP.<+> primDoc p
    fieldDoc :: Field x -> PP.Doc a
    fieldDoc Field{..} = schemaDoc fieldName fieldValue
    choiceDoc :: Choice x -> PP.Doc a
    choiceDoc Choice{..} = schemaDoc choiceName choiceValue
    primDoc :: Primitive x -> PP.Doc a
    primDoc = \case
      PString _ _ -> "string"
      PNumber _ _ -> "number"
      PBool   _ _ -> "bool"

schemaParser :: Schema a -> A.Parse ErrType a
schemaParser = \case
    RecordType fs -> interpret fieldParser fs
    SumType    cs -> postPlusT choiceParser cs
    SchemaLeaf p  -> primParser p
    fieldParser :: Field a -> A.Parse String a
    fieldParser Field{..} = A.key (T.pack fieldName) (schemaParser fieldValue)
    choiceParser :: Choice a -> A.Parse String a
    choiceParser Choice{..} = do
      tag <- A.key "tag" A.asString
      unless (tag == choiceName) $
        A.throwCustomError "Tag does not match"
      A.key "contents" $ schemaParser choiceValue
    primParser :: Primitive a -> A.Parse String a
    primParser = \case
      PString _ f -> A.withString $
        maybe (Left "error validating string") Right . f
      PNumber _ f -> A.withScientific $
        maybe (Left "error validating number") Right . f
      PBool _ f -> A.withBool $
        maybe (Left "error validating bool") Right . f

    :: Schema a
    -> a
    -> Aeson.Value
schemaToValue = \case
    RecordType fs -> Aeson.object . getOp (preDivisibleT fieldToValue fs)
    SumType    cs -> getOp (interpret choiceToValue cs)
    SchemaLeaf p  -> primToValue p
    fieldToValue :: Field a -> Op [Aeson.Pair] a
    fieldToValue Field{..} = Op $ \x ->
        [T.pack fieldName Aeson..= schemaToValue fieldValue x]
    choiceToValue :: Choice a -> Op Aeson.Value a
    choiceToValue Choice{..} = Op $ \x -> Aeson.object
        [ "tag"      Aeson..= T.pack choiceName
        , "contents" Aeson..= schemaToValue choiceValue x
    primToValue :: Primitive a -> a -> Aeson.Value
    primToValue = \case
      PString f _ -> \x -> Aeson.String (T.pack (f x))
      PNumber f _ -> \x -> Aeson.Number (f x)
      PBool   f _ -> \x -> Aeson.Bool   (f x)

Using DivAp/DecAlt and PreT Ap/PostT Dec are just two separate styles for you to consider if we want to go into combining both covariant production and contravariant consumption!

Concluding Thoughts

If you’ve come this far, thank you for reading!

The thought process described in this series was pretty much my actual thought process when writing something similar. I needed to provide documentation, a json parser, and a json serializer for a collection of data formats that I had. At first I had written three separate systems, and wrote all three separately for each format. I struggled with keeping all of them in sync, but everything clicked when I realized I could combine the documentation generator and the parser generation. I looked at my serializer system with regret on how it had to be a separate thing. But then I stared really really hard at it, and all of a sudden the idea of uniting all three of them became something I realized was worthwhile.

It really was a truly “step-by-step” process…and I think it’s pretty rare that these fully formed united abstractions just pop out of your brain without going through the process of looking at each individual piece!

In real code this pairing of the covariant and covariant is pretty prevalent. In another recent situation, I had to deal with “incoming” typed sockets (covariant outputters) and “outgoing” typed sockets (contravariant consumers)…the contexts where you get these sort of opposing dual pairs comes up a lot. Being able write a functor structure that lets you deal with them together can save a lot of code, reduce the space for errors, and relieve a lot of maintenance burden. For example, in the case of sockets, we could even write:

-- | allocate an outgoing socket that only accepts values of your schema
makeOutSocket :: Schema a -> IO (OutSocket a)

-- | allocate an incoming socket that awaits values of your schema
makeInSocket :: Schema a -> IO (InSocket a)

Here Schema a could represent a data protocol; under this system, you have the assurance that the protocol of sending a data type over a channel is always going to be the same as the protocol for receiving data, no matter what changes you make to your type. And you only have to write the code once, not twice!

Try to investigate situations in your life where “structures” could be more useful as “functor structures”…and then maybe see if there’s even more value you could add by enhancing them with more functor-ness!

Hopefully functor-combinators and the [functor combinatorpedia][] may be a useful guide along the way! You don’t have to build things “functor combinator style” like in this post (you could make everything from scratch without using Ap/Dec, etc.), but I have found that thinking in this style helps guide your search to solutions that already exist (like how we found ListF by reading about Ap), instead of reinventing the wheel every time. If anything, it can help you reframe the problem in a way that might make it more easy to grasp.

Until next time, happy Haskelling!

Special Thanks

I am very humbled to be supported by an amazing community, who make it possible for me to devote time to researching and writing these posts. Very special thanks to my supporter at the “Amazing” level on patreon, Josh Vera! :)

  1. These are unfortunate consequences of the fact that there is no general typeclass that contains both Applicative and Divisible together, or no typeclass that contains both Plus and Conclude together. If these existed, we could just use interpret for all four of those functions.↩︎

  2. There could be a typeclass for “combination of Applicative and Divisible” and “combination of Plus and Conclude”:

    class DivisibleApplicative f where
      conquerpure :: a -> f a
      divideAp :: (a -> (b, c)) -> (b -> c -> a) -> f b -> f c -> f a

    And every Applicative and Divisible instance would be a valid instance of this. However, this doesn’t really exist in any common Haskell libraries…and I’m not sure it exists anywhere at all.

    Having this typeclass would also give us an interpret that we can use for both A.Parser ErrType and Op Aeson.Value, so we don’t need the awkward two-different-interpreter situation we had before.↩︎

  3. This works out because each of the Fields inside could work off of the same input type. Remember that Div f a ~ [f a], it’s just a list of things that consume the same a.↩︎

  4. This works out because each of the Choices inside could be embedded into the same output type. Remember that we used List f a ~ [f a] for our contravariant choice collection before, just a list of things that produce the same a.↩︎

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