Enhancing Functor Structures Step-By-Step (Part 1)

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A style of Haskell programming that I’ve been pretty excited about with over the past two years or so is something that I can maybe call a “functor structure” design pattern. In this post we’re going to be exploring the idea of enhancing normal data types with different types of functor structures step-by-step, by starting with a simple useful structure and enhancing it piece by piece in order to reap incremental benefits. This process reflects a lot of the way I personally work through these things — I normally don’t get the whole powerful structure all the way; instead I incrementally add things as I see how things fit together.

We’re going build the tools to describe a data type schema, which can represent algebraic data types — sums and products. We’ll start off just building things we can use to describe the schema (by printing out documentation), and by the end of the journey we’ll also be able to use our schema to generate parsers and serializers through json.

This interest in functor structures culminated in my Functor Combinatorpedia post last year and the functor-combinators library. But personally I had never really explored the less commonly used lowercase-f functor abstractions in Hask — contravariant functors and invariant functors until recently.

This series is designed for an intermediate Haskeller with familiarity in things like product/sum types, using Applicative/Alternative, and monadic parser combinators, and is written in sync with functor-combinators-

The Schema

Let’s start with the simplest level of describing our schema: a plain ol’ AST describing the possibilities our schema can take.

-- source: https://github.com/mstksg/inCode/tree/master/code-samples/functor-structures/doc.hs#L9-L31

data Schema =
      RecordType  [Field]
    | SumType     [Choice]
    | SchemaLeaf  Primitive
  deriving Show

data Field = Field
    { fieldName  :: String
    , fieldValue :: Schema
  deriving Show

data Choice = Choice
    { choiceName  :: String
    , choiceValue :: Schema
  deriving Show

data Primitive =
    | PNumber
    | PBool
  deriving Show

Our schema will either represent a record of many different fields, a sum of many different options, or a primitive value. If it’s a sum type, it’ll be described by a list of Choice, which describes each branch. If it’s a record type, it’ll be described by a list of Field, which describes each field. If it’s a primitive type, it’ll a Primitive, which is either a string, number, or boolean.

Our end goal is to be able to write a schema for a type like

-- source: https://github.com/mstksg/inCode/tree/master/code-samples/functor-structures/doc.hs#L33-L36

data Customer =
      CPerson   { cpName :: String, cpAge :: Int }
    | CBusiness { cbEmployees :: Int }
  deriving Show

and be able to represent documenting, parsing, and printing it all within Schema. For our basic Schema above, this looks like:

-- source: https://github.com/mstksg/inCode/tree/master/code-samples/functor-structures/doc.hs#L38-L52

customerSchema :: Schema
customerSchema = SumType
    [ Choice
        { choiceName  = "Person"
        , choiceValue = RecordType
            [ Field { fieldName = "Name", fieldValue = SchemaLeaf PString }
            , Field { fieldName = "Age" , fieldValue = SchemaLeaf PNumber }
    , Choice
        { choiceName  = "Business"
        , choiceValue = RecordType
            [ Field { fieldName = "Employees", fieldValue = SchemaLeaf PNumber } ]

And a value like

PCustomer { cpName = "Sam", cpAge = 40 }

might be represented by a json value using our schema like

{ "tag": "Customer",
    { "Name": "Sam"
    , "Age": 40.0


Using our schema type, let’s make a documentation generator. It’ll take a Schema and nicely formatted documentation describing the schema itself.

To make our lives easier, we’ll be using the prettyprinter library, which will handle indentation, horizontal and vertical concatenation, and other printing concerns for us.

Let’s build things up by defining documentation generators for our individual types, so they’ll be easier to assemble.

-- source: https://github.com/mstksg/inCode/tree/master/code-samples/functor-structures/doc.hs#L54-L79

    :: String       -- ^ name
    -> Schema       -- ^ schema
    -> PP.Doc x

fieldDoc :: Field -> PP.Doc x

choiceDoc :: Choice -> PP.Doc x

primDoc :: Primitive -> PP.Doc x

So schemaDoc will take the name of our type and a schema, and generate a PP.Doc x, the type of a text document in the prettyprinter library. And fieldDoc, choiceDoc, and primDoc just generate the documentation for each individual field or constructor.

(I’m using x as the name of the type variable (instead of something more traditional like a) to indicate that it isn’t meant to be referenced or used anywhere in any consistent way. Just remember it doesn’t mean anything special syntactically!)

The \case syntax is known as LambdaCase syntax, and \case blah -> blah is just sugar for \x -> case x of blah -> blah; we use it extensively here to save us from having to think of a throwaway variable name.

-- source: https://github.com/mstksg/inCode/tree/master/code-samples/functor-structures/doc.hs#L73-L83

fieldDoc :: Field -> PP.Doc x
fieldDoc (Field name val) = schemaDoc name val

choiceDoc :: Choice -> PP.Doc x
choiceDoc (Choice name val) = schemaDoc name val

primDoc :: Primitive -> PP.Doc x
primDoc = \case
  PString -> "string"
  PNumber -> "number"
  PBool   -> "bool"

Nothing too fancy here — since Field and Choice just have a name and a sub-schema, we can have them call schemaDoc. primDoc requires making our leaf documentation, so we can just print what type they have.

We tie it all together with schemaDoc:

-- source: https://github.com/mstksg/inCode/tree/master/code-samples/functor-structures/doc.hs#L54-L71

    :: String       -- ^ name
    -> Schema       -- ^ schema
    -> PP.Doc x
schemaDoc title = \case
    RecordType fs -> PP.vsep [
        PP.pretty ("{" <> title <> "}")
      , PP.indent 2 . PP.vsep $
          map (\fld -> "*" PP.<+> PP.indent 2 (fieldDoc fld)) fs
    SumType cs    -> PP.vsep [
        PP.pretty ("(" <> title <> ")")
      , "Choice of:"
      , PP.indent 2 . PP.vsep $
          map choiceDoc cs
    SchemaLeaf p  -> PP.pretty (title <> ":")
              PP.<+> primDoc p

Here we use PP.vsep, which takes a list of docs and concatenates them vertically, PP.<+> which concatenates two docs horizontally, and PP.indent which indents things before going down a level. We appropriately call fieldDoc, choiceDoc, and primDoc when we actually need to print one of them.

Hopefully that wasn’t too bad! There were a lot of moving parts because we have a recursive data type, but in the end hopefully each specific branch was self-contained enough to understand on their own. In the end the important thing to take away isn’t the mechanics of document generation, but rather how the data flows. Make sure you at least understand how the functions call each other, and how — this pattern is going to be very consistent across all the schema processors we write!

We can test out our function on customerSchema, taking advantage of the fact that PP.Doc’s Show instance will render the document:

ghci> schemaDoc "Customer" customerSchema
Choice of:
    *   Name: string
    *   Age: number
    *   Employees: number

It works!

Parsing with Covariance

Now, let’s talk about using our Schema type to generate a json parser. We want to be able to use our schema type and use it to parse information from a json value, of a given json format we are expecting.

To do this, we’re going to rewrite Schema to take a type parameter to represent the type we want to parse into. A Schema a will be a schema that can be used to generate documentation and describe a parser of as. In the end, we want customerSchema :: Schema Customer, and a function like

schemaParser :: Schema a -> Parse ErrType a

to generate a json parser of as. We’ll be using the json parser type Parse err a from aeson-better-errors (not because of the better errors, but just because it’s closer to an actual incremental/stateful parser than other alternatives out there), which can be run with parse :: Parse err a -> ByteString -> Either (ParseError err) a. So our final interface will look like:

-- source: https://github.com/mstksg/inCode/tree/master/code-samples/functor-structures/parse.hs#L154-L155

parseSchema :: Schema a -> ByteString -> Either (A.ParseError ErrType) a
parseSchema sc = A.parse (schemaParser sc)

To do this, we now have to include information on “how to parse an a” in our schema. “How to parse a record” and “how to parse a sum” are going to be handled universally for all schemas…so the only thing that really will vary from type to type (aside from the structure) is how to parse those primitive leaf types when we encounter them in the json. And so, the main thing we need to modify is just Primitive:

-- source: https://github.com/mstksg/inCode/tree/master/code-samples/functor-structures/parse.hs#L43-L47

data Primitive a =
      PString (String     -> Maybe a)
    | PNumber (Scientific -> Maybe a)
    | PBool   (Bool       -> Maybe a)
  deriving Functor

A Primitive a now encodes a way to parse an a if given the appropriate json primitive. It can be PString, PNumber, or PBool. To create a “String Parser”, you need to use PString with a function on “what to do with the string you get”. To create a “Bool parser”, you need PBool with a function on what to do with the bool you get. Note that the PNumber parser takes a Scientific, which is the type aeson (the underlying json library) uses to represent valid JSON numbers (it’s basically Either Integer Double).

We can write some helper primitives:

-- source: https://github.com/mstksg/inCode/tree/master/code-samples/functor-structures/parse.hs#L49-L56

pString :: Primitive String
pString = PString Just

pInt :: Primitive Int
pInt = PNumber toBoundedInteger

pBool :: Primitive Bool
pBool = PBool Just

pString :: Primitive String is the most basic way to parse a primitive json string: just return the String itself. pInt needs to reject any non-integer numbers, so toBoundedInteger :: Scientific -> Maybe Int works well.

We can now start writing our parsers for each branch of Schema. The SchemaLeaf branch should be the simplest. We can use aeson-better-error’s primitive value parsers:

-- | Parse successfuly only if the current value is a String, running the
-- validation function
withString     :: (String     -> Either ErrType a) -> Parse ErrType a

withScientific :: (Scientific -> Either ErrType a) -> Parse ErrType a
withBool       :: (Bool       -> Either ErrType a) -> Parse ErrType a
-- source: https://github.com/mstksg/inCode/tree/master/code-samples/functor-structures/parse.hs#L131-L138

primParser :: Primitive a -> A.Parse String a
primParser = \case
  PString f -> A.withString $
    maybe (Left "error validating string") Right . f
  PNumber f -> A.withScientific $
    maybe (Left "error validating number") Right . f
  PBool f -> A.withBool $
    maybe (Left "error validating bool") Right . f

Nothing too fancy, mostly plumbing.

Deducing Ap

However, this small change (and adding the type parameter) leaves in a predicament. What should Schema look like?

At first glance, we might think we could just write

data Schema a =
      RecordType  [Field a]
    | SumType     [Choice a]
    | SchemaLeaf  (Primitive a)
  deriving Functor

-- source: https://github.com/mstksg/inCode/tree/master/code-samples/functor-structures/parse.hs#L31-L37

data Field a = Field

data Choice a = Choice

But there’s a problem here: RecordType is a combination of Fields, but…each Field is of a different type! For example, in our Customer example, the Person branch has two fields: Name and Age. Our name schema would look like nameField :: Field String, and our age schema would look like ageField :: Field Int…and so you can’t really put that into a list like [Field a] since they each have different types. And further more, we want a final Customer (in our Schema Customer), a type which is different from both String and Int.

What we need is a way to express heterogeneous collection/sequence of Field a, coupled with a way of “combining” all of them to create an aggregate value of a final type. A type that says “use a bunch of Field of xs of different types to generate a final a”.

There are a couple of ways to arrive at this mystery type. One way is to recognize “combine a bunch of f xs of different types to create an f b” is essentially the M.O. of the Applicative abstraction, and so essentially we want to give Field some sort of Applicative structure. And so we can reach for “the type that gives something an Applicative structure”, the free applicative. (This is the strategy I talk about in my Applicative Regular Expressions post: if you know exactly the interface you want, you can just use that interface’s free structure)

Another way is to think about it as an enhancement along a functor combinator described in the functor combinatorpedia. Here we know we want to enhance Field in a specific way, so we can scan the list of functor combinators until there is one that we need. And scrolling down, we see:

Ap / Ap1

Origin: Control.Applicative.Free / Data.Functor.Apply.Free

Enhancement: The ability to provide multiple fs that the interpreter must consume all of. (…)

While ListF may be considered “multiple options offered”, Ap can be considered “multiple actions all required”. The interpreter must consume/interpret all of the multiple fs in order to interpret an Ap.

Note that ordering is not enforced: while the consumer must handle each f eventually, they are free to handle it in whatever order they desire. In fact, they could even all be handled in parallel. See Free for a version where ordering is enforced.

Because this has an Applicative instance, you can use (<*>) :: Ap f (a -> b) -> Ap f a -> Ap f b to sequence multiple Ap fs together, and pure :: a -> Ap f a to produce a “no-op” Ap without any fs.

That sounds like it matches to me! In order to parse a RecordType, we need to parse every Field. It doesn’t make any sense to skip one field or the other: they all need to be processed and parsed. This sounds like just the thing we need.

The description here also gives a clue for what we might want to use for SumType (ListF sounds like a good companion for the behavior we want sum type parsers to have)

Building Ap

With this, we can write our final Schema type.

-- source: https://github.com/mstksg/inCode/tree/master/code-samples/functor-structures/parse.hs#L25-L47

data Schema a =
      RecordType  (Ap    Field  a)
    | SumType     (ListF Choice a)
    | SchemaLeaf  (Primitive a)
  deriving Functor

data Field a = Field
    { fieldName  :: String
    , fieldValue :: Schema a
  deriving Functor

data Choice a = Choice
    { choiceName  :: String
    , choiceValue :: Schema a
  deriving Functor

data Primitive a =
      PString (String     -> Maybe a)
    | PNumber (Scientific -> Maybe a)
    | PBool   (Bool       -> Maybe a)
  deriving Functor

Note that I switched from [Choice a] to ListF Choice a as hinted earlier — the two are the same, but the latter has the Functor instance we want (fmap :: (a -> b) -> ListF Choice a -> ListF Choice b), and is an instance of useful functor combinator typeclasses. Furthermore, it illustrates the symmetry between sum types and record, since Ap and ListF are contrasting types: Ap can be used to a represent the “product” between many required fields, and ListF can be used to the option between many possible choices. It’s more clear how product types and sum types are “opposites” in a nice clean way.

We can now make our Customer schema:

-- source: https://github.com/mstksg/inCode/tree/master/code-samples/functor-structures/parse.hs#L63-L77

customerSchema :: Schema Customer
customerSchema = SumType $
      inject Choice
        { choiceName  = "Person"
        , choiceValue = RecordType $
              <$> inject Field { fieldName = "Name", fieldValue = SchemaLeaf pString }
              <*> inject Field { fieldName = "Age" , fieldValue = SchemaLeaf pInt    }
  <!> inject Choice
        { choiceName  = "Business"
        , choiceValue = RecordType $
              <$> inject Field { fieldName = "Employees", fieldValue = SchemaLeaf pInt }

The main new thing is using inject :: Choice a -> ListF Choice a and inject :: Field a -> Ap Field a to lift our base types into their appropriate combinators. Then after that, we just use Ap’s Applicative instance and ListF’s Plus instance to combine them together. Overall it should look very similar to the schema we wrote for the documentation section.

Interpreting Ap

Now, the typical way to “run” an applied functor combinator is with interpreting functions, like:

interpret :: Applicative g => (forall x. f x -> g x) -> Ap    f a -> g a
interpret :: Plus g        => (forall x. f x -> g x) -> ListF f a -> g a

You can interpret an Ap f a into any Applicative g, and you can interpret a ListF f a into any Plus g (Plus is basically Alternative without an Applicative requirement, supporting (<!>) :: f a -> f a -> f a).

Basically, the strategy for using interpret is that you write a function to interpret any individual f you might find in the structure, and interpret will accumulate them all together for you.

In our case, if we decided to use interpret, we could write:

interpret :: (forall x. Field  x -> Parse ErrType x) -> Ap    Field  a -> Parse ErrType x
interpret :: (forall x. Choice x -> Parse ErrType x) -> ListF Choice a -> Parse ErrType x

Basically, if we have a way to parse each Field, then we have a way to parse an Ap Field a. If we have a way to parse each Choice, then we have a way to parse a ListF Choice a.

Let’s write those individual parsers for each smaller type:

-- source: https://github.com/mstksg/inCode/tree/master/code-samples/functor-structures/parse.hs#L128-L129

fieldParser :: Field a -> A.Parse String a
fieldParser (Field name val) = A.key (T.pack name) (schemaParser val)

Here we use aeson-better-errors’s key :: Text -> Parser a -> Parser a, which takes a key and a parser, and runs that parser on whatever is under that key. For fieldParser, we run the schema parser for our sub-schema under that key.

-- source: https://github.com/mstksg/inCode/tree/master/code-samples/functor-structures/parse.hs#L121-L126

choiceParser :: Choice a -> A.Parse String a
choiceParser (Choice name val) = do
  tag <- A.key "tag" A.asString
  unless (tag == name) $
    A.throwCustomError "Tag does not match"
  A.key "contents" $ schemaParser val

Our sum type encoding has to be a bit more involved, because json doesn’t have any native sum type construct. The one we’re going to use for this post is the {"tag": <tag>, "contents": <contents>}" form. We’re going to parse whatever is in the key "tag", and if that tag matches our current choice’s constructor, we parse the schema parser for our sub-schema under that key. Otherwise, this choice isn’t what is currently in our json value.

Finally, to bring it all together, we use the interpret functions we talked about:

-- source: https://github.com/mstksg/inCode/tree/master/code-samples/functor-structures/parse.hs#L115-L119

schemaParser :: Schema a -> A.Parse ErrType a
schemaParser = \case
    SumType    cs -> interpret choiceParser cs
    RecordType fs -> interpret fieldParser fs
    SchemaLeaf p  -> primParser p

And that’s it!

Ah well, not exactly so fast. Even though they could support it, aeson-better-errors doesn’t provide Plus a for Parse. We can write them as orphans here just because this is a fun learning experience (but we usually do like to avoid defining instances for types or typeclasses that aren’t ours).

Alt and Plus represent fallback choices: x <!> y will try x first, then if x fails, try y.

-- source: https://github.com/mstksg/inCode/tree/master/code-samples/functor-structures/parse.hs#L108-L111

instance Monad f => Alt (A.ParseT e f) where
    (<!>) = (A.<|>)
instance Monad f => Plus (A.ParseT String f) where
    zero  = A.throwCustomError "No options were validated"

And…that should work!

ghci> :set -XOverloadedStrings
ghci> parseSchema customerSchema  "{ \"tag\": \"Person\", \"contents\": { \"Name\": \"Same\", \"Age\": 40 } }"
Right (CPerson {cpName = "Same", cpAge = 30})
ghci> parseSchema customerSchema  "{ \"tag\": \"Business\", \"contents\": { \"Employees\": 3 } }"
Right (CBusiness {cbEmployees = 3})

We were able to generate a fully functional parser from our schema, by only providing parsers for the smaller, more specific types we had (Field and Choice), and having them all fit together in a way directed by their Applicative and Plus typeclass instances.

Direct Structural Inspection

However, sometimes the typeclass instances aren’t really the best way to handle things. It gives us a nice principled shortcut — for example, to interpret out of an Ap, GHC needs a way to know “how to sequence Parses”, and so interpret uses the Applicative instance for that. But we know there are usually different ways to sequence or combine actions — famously in IO, we have the option to “sequence” IO actions in series or in parallel, with the default Applicative instance being series sequencing. So, offloading our logic to a typeclass can be a convenient route, but it’s not necessarily the behavior we want.

In our case, the Plus instance actually combines failed fallback behavior in an undesirable way: our errors become not too useful, because <!> always picks the right side’s errors, and we eventually run into A.throwCustomError "No options were validated".

ghci> parseSchema customerSchema  "{ \"tag\": \"Business\", \"contents\": { \"Employees\": \"Mustard\" } }"
Left (BadSchema [] (CustomError "No options were validated"))
ghci> parseSchema customerSchema  "{ \"tag\": \"Grape\", \"contents\": { \"Color\": \"purple\" } }"
Left (BadSchema [] (CustomError "No options were validated"))

Since the definition of zero (which was our fault because we wrote it here as an orphan instance — oops!) always falls back to the same error, this is not very useful!

As we see, interpret for ListF, while convenient, isn’t necessarily the best way to tear down a ListF. Luckily, most functor combinators are just ADTs that we can pattern match and break down and access the structures manually. In the case of ListF, the structure is pretty simple:

data ListF f a = ListF { runListF :: [f a] }

Our ListF Choice a is just [Choice a]. This is something we can work with! Let’s write a better ListF Choice a processor by working with the list itself.

-- source: https://github.com/mstksg/inCode/tree/master/code-samples/functor-structures/parse.hs#L140-L152

schemaParser2 :: Schema a -> A.Parse ErrType a
schemaParser2 = \case
    RecordType fs -> interpret fieldParser fs
    SumType    cs -> do
      let schemaMap = M.fromList 
            [ (nm, vl) | Choice nm vl <- runListF cs ]
      tag <- A.key "tag" A.asString
      case M.lookup tag schemaMap of
        Nothing -> A.throwCustomError $
                "tag " <> tag <> " not recognized: Expected one of "
             <> intercalate ", " (M.keys schemaMap)
        Just sc -> A.key "contents" (schemaParser2 sc)
    SchemaLeaf p  -> primParser p

We can use the structure of ListF to generate a Map associating any tags with the schemas they are meant to encode. We then parse the tag, look up what schema it represents (if any) and then use that schema under the contents key.

λ: parseSchema2 customerSchema  "{ \"tag\": \"Business\", \"contents\": { \"Employees\": \"Mustard\" } }"
Left (BadSchema [ObjectKey "contents",ObjectKey "Employees"] (WrongType TyNumber (String "Mustard")))
λ: parseSchema2 customerSchema  "{ \"tag\": \"Grape\", \"contents\": { \"Color\": \"purple\" } }"
Left (BadSchema [] (CustomError "tag Grape not recognized: Expected one of Business, Person"))

Much better messages!

Backporting documentation

Remember that the whole point of this exercise was to add functionality to our schema. That means we also have to upgrade our documentation function as well.

Hopefully it is clear from the structure of our data type that we haven’t lost any information. Updating our documentation generator should be just a matter of changing how to we get the items from our ListF and Ap.

Following what we just learned, one way to do this would be to use interpret or manually pattern match and take advantage of the structure. However, if we just want to get a list of monomorphic items from a functor combinator, there’s an abstraction in functor-combinators that gives you a “higher-order” version of toList called htoList:

htoList :: (forall x. f x -> b) -> ListF f a -> [b]
htoList :: (forall x. f x -> b) -> Ap    f a -> [b]

Give it a function to “get” a b out of every f, it collects the b from every f inside the structure and puts it in a list for us. Note that this type is very similar to the map we used earlier:

-- what we used before
map     :: (          Field   -> b) -> [Field]    -> [b]
-- what we can use now
htoList :: (forall x. Field x -> b) -> Ap Field a -> [b]

So it looks like htoList should work as a drop-in replacement for map

-- source: https://github.com/mstksg/inCode/tree/master/code-samples/functor-structures/parse.hs#L79-L106

    :: String       -- ^ name
    -> Schema x     -- ^ schema
    -> PP.Doc a
schemaDoc title = \case
    RecordType fs -> PP.vsep [
        PP.pretty ("{" <> title <> "}")
      , PP.indent 2 . PP.vsep $
          htoList (\fld -> "*" PP.<+> PP.indent 2 (fieldDoc fld)) fs
    SumType cs    -> PP.vsep [
        PP.pretty ("(" <> title <> ")")
      , "Choice of:"
      , PP.indent 2 . PP.vsep $
          htoList choiceDoc cs
    SchemaLeaf p  -> PP.pretty (title <> ":")
              PP.<+> primDoc p
    fieldDoc :: Field x -> PP.Doc a
    fieldDoc (Field name val) = schemaDoc name val
    choiceDoc :: Choice x -> PP.Doc a
    choiceDoc (Choice name val) = schemaDoc name val
    primDoc :: Primitive x -> PP.Doc a
    primDoc = \case
      PString _ -> "string"
      PNumber _ -> "number"
      PBool   _ -> "bool"

Neat, we just had to replace map (\fld -> ..) fs with htoList (\fld -> ...) fs, and map choiceDoc cs with htoList choiceDoc cs. We were able to re-use the exact same logic — we lose no power and upgrading was a straightforward mechanical transformation.

Contravariant Consumption

Now, let’s consider instead the situation where we would want to serialize an a with a schema. We’ll make a type Schema a that represents something that can encode an a as a json value. The overall interface of using that type would be:

schemaToValue :: Schema a -> a -> Aeson.Value

(Aeson.Value being the json representation from the aeson library)

To keep things simple, let’s forget all the parsing stuff for now; we’ll add it back in later. Let’s just create a type that can only serialize by enhancing our documentation schema.

Again, for the same reasons as before, we can get away with the only fundamental change being at the leaves/primitives. Our structure itself is defined by the ADT, and all of the variations outside of the structure itself comes from how each leaf is serialized.

-- source: https://github.com/mstksg/inCode/tree/master/code-samples/functor-structures/serialize.hs#L36-L39

data Primitive a =
      PString (a -> String)
    | PNumber (a -> Scientific)
    | PBool   (a -> Bool)

A Primitive a will be a way to serialize a json primitive — it can be PString, PNumber, or PBool. To create a “String Serializer”, you need to use PString with a function on “how to turn it into a String”. To create a “Bool parser”, you need PBool with a function on what how to turn the value into a String.

Again, it can be useful to add some helper primitives:

-- source: https://github.com/mstksg/inCode/tree/master/code-samples/functor-structures/serialize.hs#L58-L65

pString :: Primitive String
pString = PString id

pInt :: Primitive Int
pInt = PNumber fromIntegral

pBool :: Primitive Bool
pBool = PBool id

pString :: Primitive String is the most basic way to serialize a primitive json string: just return the String itself. pInt needs to serialize the Int into a Scientific (the numeric type of the aeson library).

We can start off by writing the serializer for Primitive just go get a feel for how our serializer will work:

-- source: https://github.com/mstksg/inCode/tree/master/code-samples/functor-structures/serialize.hs#L138-L142

primToValue :: Primitive a -> a -> Aeson.Value
primToValue = \case
  PString f -> \x -> Aeson.String (T.pack (f x))
  PNumber f -> \x -> Aeson.Number (f x)
  PBool   f -> \x -> Aeson.Bool   (f x)

Again, nothing too fancy — mostly plumbing along the aeson library’s primitive constructors.

Covariance vs Contravariance

Before we go further, let’s take a moment to pause and discuss the difference between covariant and contravariant functors, and the usefulness of those concepts. “Covariant” functors (or capital-F Functors in Haskell) are functors f where you can consider f a as a “producer” of a — for example, Schema a from our parsing section is a thing you can use to parse/produce an a out of a bytestring. These are things where it makes sense to fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b: if you have a producer of as, you can always “post-filter” the result with an a -> b to get a producer of bs.

“Contravariant” functors (Contravariant in Haskell) are functors f where you can consider f a as a “consumer” of a. For example, Primtive a (and the Schema a we want to make) from our serializing section is something that consums as and produces json values. These are things where it makes sense to contramap:

class Contravariant f where
    contramap :: (a -> b) -> f b -> f a

which says: if you have a consumer of bs, you can always “pre-filter” the input with an a -> b to get a consumer of as.

Deducing Dec

Now, back on to building our Schema type. Again, we might want to write something like

data Schema a =
      RecordType  [Field a]
    | SumType     [Choice a]
    | SchemaLeaf  (Primitive a)
  deriving Functor
-- source: https://github.com/mstksg/inCode/tree/master/code-samples/functor-structures/serialize.hs#L26-L31

data Field a = Field

data Choice a = Choice

However, we have a problem here (incidentally, it’s the opposite of the problem we had in the previous case). Choice a doesn’t quite make sense as the sum type consumer for Schema a, because each Choice is only meant to handle the types in a specific branch. For example, in our Customer example, for the CPerson branch we need a Choice (String, Int) to consume its contents, and in the CBusiness branch we need a Choice Int to consume its contents.

What we need is a way to express a hetereogenous collection/sequence of Choice a, coupled with a way of “choosing” exactly one of them to handle one form that our input a can take. A type that says “use exactly one of a bunch of Choices of different xs, and choose one to dispatch depending on what a we get”. So how do we find the tool we need?

If you are already familiar with contravariant abstractions (but who is?) you might recognize this as the essence of the Decidable typeclass, from the contravariant library…or more accurately, “Decidable without a Divisible constraint”, which is Conclude. A Conclude f allows you to combine two f values, and one will be picked to use based on inspection of the input value. Upon recognizing this, we look for find a way to give Choice some Conclude interface and search up “the type that gives us a free Conclude structure”. Following that search, we arrive at Dec, and so we use Dec Choice a for our sum type consumer.

But let’s say you’re like the vast majority of Haskell users and have never had any reason to look at the contravariant abstraction hierarchy. How would you think of this?

Like before, we could also look through the functor combinatorpedia (in specific, the contravariant section) and find:

Dec / Dec1

Enhancement: The ability to provide multiple fs, one of which will be chosen to consume the overall input.

If f x is a consumer of xs, then Dec f a is a consumer of as that does its job by choosing a single one of those fs to handle that consumption, based on what a is received.

Contrast this with Div, where the multiple f actions are all used to consume the input. Dec only uses one single f action to consume the input, chosen at consumption time.

For example, let’s say you had a type Socket a which represents some IO channel or socket that is expecting to receive as. A Dec Socket b would be a collection of sockets that expects a single b overall, and will pick exactly one of those Sockets to handle that b.

Sounds like exactly what we need! It also gives us a nice hint of what we might want to use for RecordType.

Building Dec

With this, we can write our final Schema type.

-- source: https://github.com/mstksg/inCode/tree/master/code-samples/functor-structures/serialize.hs#L21-L39

data Schema a =
      RecordType  (Div Field  a)
    | SumType     (Dec Choice a)
    | SchemaLeaf  (Primitive a)

data Field a = Field
    { fieldName  :: String
    , fieldValue :: Schema a

data Choice a = Choice
    { choiceName  :: String
    , choiceValue :: Schema a

data Primitive a =
      PString (a -> String)
    | PNumber (a -> Scientific)
    | PBool   (a -> Bool)

Note that I switched from [Field a] to Div Field a — the two are the same (Div Field a is essentially a newtype wrapper over [Field a]), but the latter has useful functor combinator typeclass instance methods like interpret (like ListF before)1. And, again, I feel like it illustrates the symmetry between sum types and record types; Div and Dec are opposite types, as Dec represents a contravariant choice between different choices, and Div represents a contravariant merger between different consumers. It makes more clear the duality between product types and sum types.

We can assemble our Customer schema, in a way that looks a lot like our parser schema:

-- source: https://github.com/mstksg/inCode/tree/master/code-samples/functor-structures/serialize.hs#L72-L87

customerSchema :: Schema Customer
customerSchema = SumType $
    decide (\case CPerson x y -> Left (x, y); CBusiness x -> Right x)
      (inject Choice
        { choiceName = "Person"
        , choiceValue = RecordType $ divided
            (inject Field { fieldName = "Name", fieldValue = SchemaLeaf pString })
            (inject Field { fieldName = "Age" , fieldValue = SchemaLeaf pInt    })
      (inject Choice
        { choiceName  = "Business"
        , choiceValue = RecordType $
            inject Field { fieldName = "Age" , fieldValue = SchemaLeaf pInt    }

Here we use a few contravariant combinators to combine and merge contravariant functors values (like Div Field a and Dec Choice a):

decide works like:

    :: Conclude f
    => (a -> Either b c)    -- ^ break into branches
    -> f b                  -- ^ handle first branch
    -> f c                  -- ^ handle second branch
    -> f a                  -- ^ overall handler

    :: (Customer -> Either (String, Int) Int)   -- ^ break into branches
    -> Dec Choice (String, Int)                 -- ^ handle CPerson branch
    -> Dec Choice Int                           -- ^ handle CBusiness branch
    -> Dec Choice Customer

And divided works like:

    :: Divisible f
    => f a          -- ^ first handler
    -> f b          -- ^ second handler
    -> f (a, b)     -- ^ merged handler

    :: Div Field String          -- ^ handle the cpName field
    -> Div Field Int             -- ^ handle the cpAge field
    -> Div Field (String, Int)   -- ^ handle both together

Interpreting Dec

To write our schema serializers, we can use interpret again:

interpret :: Divisible g => (forall x. Field  x -> g x) -> Div Field  a -> g a
interpret :: Conclude g  => (forall x. Choice x -> g x) -> Dec Choice a -> g a

But, what should we choose as our choice of g?

choiceToValue :: Choice a -> g a

Well, how do we want to “use” a Choice a? Remember that Schema a encodes a way to serialize an a to an json value. A Choice a would encode a way to serialize an a into a json value. We want to turn a Choice a into an a -> Aeson.Value:

choiceToValue :: Choice a -> (a -> Aeson.Value)

-- is supposed to match up with
choiceToValue :: Choice a -> g a

So, we need to pick some g where g a is a -> Aeson.Value. This is exactly Op from Data.Functor.Contravariant, in base:

data Op r a = Op { getOp :: a -> r }

So, if we write

choiceToValue :: Choice a -> Op Aeson.Value a

-- a newtype wrapper away from
choiceToValue :: Choice a -> a -> Aeson.Value

then we have

interpret choiceToValue :: Dec Choice a -> Op Aeson.Value a

-- a newtype wrapper away from
interpret choiceToValue :: Dec Choice a -> a -> Aeson.Value

Let’s write it!

-- source: https://github.com/mstksg/inCode/tree/master/code-samples/functor-structures/serialize.hs#L128-L132

choiceToValue :: Choice a -> Op Aeson.Value a
choiceToValue (Choice name val) = Op $ \x -> Aeson.object
    [ "tag"      Aeson..= T.pack name
    , "contents" Aeson..= schemaToValue val x

Now onto RecordType’s Div Field. Here, we want to build an object using Aeson.object :: [Aeson.Pair] -> Aeson.Value (one way that the aeson library allows us to build objects). Therefore, our type for fieldToValue should be:

fieldToValue :: Field a -> a -> [Aeson.Pair]

This looks familiar; it’s the same thing as before, but with Op [Aeson.Pair] instead of Op Aeson.Value.

fieldToValue :: Field a -> Op [Aeson.Pair] a

interpret fieldToValue :: Div Field a -> Op [Aeson.Pair] a

-- a newtype wrapper away from
interpret fieldToValue :: Div Field a -> a -> [Aeson.Pair]

We can go ahead and write it out, actually:

-- source: https://github.com/mstksg/inCode/tree/master/code-samples/functor-structures/serialize.hs#L134-L136

fieldToValue :: Field a -> Op [Aeson.Pair] a
fieldToValue (Field name val) = Op $ \x ->
    [T.pack name Aeson..= schemaToValue val x]

(Note that this behavior relies on the fact that the interpret instance for Div — using the Divise instance for Op r — will combine the [Aeson.Pair] list monoidally, concatenating the results of calling fieldToValue on every Field in the Div Field a.)

We should now have enough to write our entire serializer:

-- source: https://github.com/mstksg/inCode/tree/master/code-samples/functor-structures/serialize.hs#L119-L126

    :: Schema a
    -> a
    -> Aeson.Value
schemaToValue = \case
    SumType    cs -> getOp (interpret choiceToValue cs)
    RecordType fs -> Aeson.object . getOp (interpret fieldToValue fs)
    SchemaLeaf p  -> primToValue p

Running our schemaToValue on a sample Person gives the json value we expect:

ghci> Aeson.encode (schemaToValue customerSchema (CPerson "Sam" 40))

Some Convenience

Note that this contravariant interpretation pattern (wrapping in Op and then unwrapping it again to run it) is so common that functor-combinators has a helper function to make things a bit neater:

iapply  :: (forall x. f x -> x -> b) -> Dec f a -> a -> b
ifanout :: (forall x. f x -> x -> b) -> Div f a -> a -> [b]

With these we could write

choiceToValue :: Choice a -> a -> Aeson.Value
fieldToValue  :: Field a  -> a -> Aeson.Pair

And then:

iapply choiceToValue :: Dec Choice a -> a -> Aeson.Value
ifanout fieldToValue :: Div Field  a -> a -> [Aeson.Pair]

Backporting documentation

Because our new structure is pretty much the same as before (data types wrapped by functor combinators), and Div/Dec support htoList just like Ap/ListF did before, the implementation of schemaDoc is pretty much word-for-word identical as it was for our parser schema:

-- source: https://github.com/mstksg/inCode/tree/master/code-samples/functor-structures/serialize.hs#L89-L116

    :: String       -- ^ name
    -> Schema x     -- ^ schema
    -> PP.Doc a
schemaDoc title = \case
    RecordType fs -> PP.vsep [
        PP.pretty ("{" <> title <> "}")
      , PP.indent 2 . PP.vsep $
          htoList (\fld -> "*" PP.<+> PP.indent 2 (fieldDoc fld)) fs
    SumType cs    -> PP.vsep [
        PP.pretty ("(" <> title <> ")")
      , "Choice of:"
      , PP.indent 2 . PP.vsep $
          htoList choiceDoc cs
    SchemaLeaf p  -> PP.pretty (title <> ":")
              PP.<+> primDoc p
    fieldDoc :: Field x -> PP.Doc a
    fieldDoc (Field name val) = schemaDoc name val
    choiceDoc :: Choice x -> PP.Doc a
    choiceDoc (Choice name val) = schemaDoc name val
    primDoc :: Primitive x -> PP.Doc a
    primDoc = \case
      PString _ -> "string"
      PNumber _ -> "number"
      PBool   _ -> "bool"


Looking Forward

We first started with a simple structure to represent our schema. We then added covariant capabilities to get us parser generation. Then we added contravariant capabilities to get us serializers.

The next step might be to add both enhancements to the same structure! The benefits for this seem pretty significant: we can write our structure once (less code, less bugs), and we also write our serializer, parser, and documenting functions in a way that are automatically kept in-sync, and can never be incompatible with each other. Solving the documentation rot and mismatched parser/serializer problem in one stroke!

For this, we’ll wait until the next post, where we explore not one, but two ways to combine our two capabilities into something known as an invariant functor!

Proceed to the next post here!

Special Thanks

I am very humbled to be supported by an amazing community, who make it possible for me to devote time to researching and writing these posts. Very special thanks to my supporter at the “Amazing” level on patreon, Josh Vera! :)

  1. And, if we want it, it has the more useful Contravariant instance: contramap :: (a -> b) -> Div Field b -> Div Field a.↩︎

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