> 61 entriesFunctional, pure, non-strict, statically and strongly typed, natively compiled…really just the king of great languages.
> 17 entriesMy slight ramblings on subjects of interest (to me and hopefully to you too!). Lots of surveys and introducts to new subjects.
> 17 entriesTechnical tutorials/walkthroughs on specific programming processes and problems that I’ve struggled through in the past.
> 6 entries@PROJECTS
> 6 entriesProgress or presentations of completed or ongoing open source projects I have worked/am working on. Hopefully either the development process or the end product can be useful to someone!
> 5 entriesPosts about this blog or blogging in general. So meta.
> 4 entries@AUTO
> 3 entries@ENGINEERING
> 2 entriesPosts about engineering, the practical art of taming the physical world.
> 2 entries@COMPUTATION
> 1 entriesPosts that deal with numerical techniques and the art and science of, well…computing things.
> 1 entriesRegarding the models that describe the physical world.