Dead-simple TCP/IP services using servantin #functional programming, #haskell, #servant, @Haskell
Visualizing Prequel Meme Prefix Tries with Recursion Schemesin #haskell, #recursion schemes, @Haskell, +Beginner/Intermediate Haskell Projects
Introduction to Singletons (Part 4)in #functional programming, #dependent types, #haskell, #singletons, #types, @Haskell, +Introduction to Singletons
Introduction to Singletons (Part 3)in #functional programming, #dependent types, #haskell, #singletons, #types, @Haskell, +Introduction to Singletons
Introduction to Singletons (Part 2)in #functional programming, #dependent types, #haskell, #singletons, #types, @Haskell, +Introduction to Singletons
Introduction to Singletons (Part 1)in #functional programming, #dependent types, #haskell, #singletons, #types, @Haskell, +Introduction to Singletons
Fixed-Length Vector Types in Haskell (an Update for 2017)in #functional programming, #dependent types, #haskell, #singletons, #types, @Haskell, @Reference
Automatic Propagation of Uncertainty with ADin #haskell, #ad, #numerical methods, @Haskell, +Uncertain, +Beginner/Intermediate Haskell Projects
Fixed-Length Vector Types in Haskell, 2015in #functional programming, #dependent types, #haskell, #singletons, #types, @Haskell, @Reference
Unique sample drawing & searches with List and StateT --- "Send more money"in #haskell, #monads, @Haskell
Auto: A Todo GUI application with Auto (on GHCJS, etc.)in #auto, #haskell, #ghcjs, @Haskell, @Auto, +All About Auto, +Beginner/Intermediate Haskell Projects
Auto: Building a Declarative Chatbot with Implicit Serializationin #auto, #haskell, @Haskell, @Auto, +All About Auto, +Beginner/Intermediate Haskell Projects
Pipes: Streaming Huffman Compression in Haskell (Part 3)in #haskell, #pipes, @Haskell, +Huffman Compression, +Beginner/Intermediate Haskell Projects
Streaming Huffman Compression in Haskell (Part 2: Binary and Searches)in #haskell, @Haskell, +Huffman Compression, +Beginner/Intermediate Haskell Projects
Streaming Huffman Compression in Haskell (Part 1: Trees and State)in #haskell, #monads, @Haskell, +Huffman Compression, +Beginner/Intermediate Haskell Projects
Deploying Medium to Large Haskell Apps to Heroku by Precompilingin #web development, #heroku, #haskell, #outdated, @Haskell
Shake: Task Automation and Scripting in Haskellin #shake, #scripting, #haskell, @Haskell