Dead-simple TCP/IP services using servant
by Justin Le ♦
Posted inIn my time I’ve written a lot of throwaway binary TCP/IP services (servers and services you can interact with over an internet connection, through command line interface or GUI). For me, this involves designing a protocol from scratch every time with varying levels of hand-rolled authentication and error detection (Send this byte for this command, this byte for this other command, etc.). Once I design the protocol, I then have to write both the command line client and the server — something I usually do from scratch over the raw TCP streams.
This process was fun (and informative) the first few times I did it, but spinning it up from scratch again every time discouraged me from doing it very often. However, thankfully, with the servant haskell library (and servant-cli, for command line clients), writing a TCP server/client pair for a TCP service (using HTTP under the hood) becomes dead-simple — the barrier for creating one fades away that designing/writing a service becomes a tool that I reach for immediately in a lot of cases without second thought.
servant is usually advertised as a tool for writing web servers, web applications, and REST APIs, but it’s easily adapted to write non-web things as well. Let’s dive in and write a simple TCP/IP service (a todo list manager) to see how straightforward the process is!
To goal of this article is to take service/program that you already have planned out, and easily provide it with a networked API that can be used over any TCP/IP connection (over the internet, or even locally). This won’t teach you how to write a todo app, but rather how to hook up a todo app over a TCP/IP connection quickly, with a command line client — and in such a simple way that you wouldn’t give a second thought based on complexity issues.
This post can also serve as a stepping-stone to a “microservices architecture”, if you intend to build towards one (this is explored deeper by k-bx)…but really it’s more focused for standalone user-facing applications. How you apply these techniques is up to you :)
All of the code in this article is available online, and the server and client are available as “stack executables”: if you download them all, and set the permissions properly (chmod u+x
), you can directly run them to launch the server and client (if they are all download to the same directory).
Todo APItop
As an example, we’ll work through building one of my favorite self-contained mini-app projects, a Todo list manager a la todo-mvc. Our service will provide functionality for:
- Viewing all tasks and their status
- Adding a new task
- Setting a task’s completion status
- Deleting a task
- Pruning all completed tasks
To facilitate doing this over an API, we’ll assign each task a task ID when it comes in, and so commands 3 and 4 will require a task ID.
To formally specify our API:
: View all tasks by their ID, status, and description. Optionally be able to filter for only incomplete tasks.add
: Given a new task description, insert a new uncompleted task. Return the ID of the new task.set
: Given a task ID and an updated status, update the task’s status.delete
: Given a task ID, delete the task.prune
: Remove all completed tasks. Returns all the task IDs that where deleted.
We can state this using servant’s type level DSL, using an IntMap
(from containers) to represent the current tasks and an IntSet
to represent a set of task IDs.
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeInType #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
module Api where
import Data.Aeson
import Data.IntMap (IntMap)
import Data.IntSet (IntSet)
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Text (Text)
import GHC.Generics
import Servant.API
data Task = Task
taskStatus :: Bool
{ taskDesc :: Text
}deriving (Show, Generic)
instance ToJSON Task
instance FromJSON Task
type TodoApi = "list" :> QueryFlag "filtered"
:> Get '[JSON] (IntMap Task)
:<|> "add" :> QueryParam' '[Required] "desc" Text
:> Post '[JSON] Int
:<|> "set" :> Capture "id" Int
:> QueryParam "completed" Bool
:> Post '[JSON] ()
:<|> "delete" :> Capture "id" Int
:> Post '[JSON] ()
:<|> "prune" :> Post '[JSON] IntSet
todoApi :: Proxy TodoApi
= Proxy todoApi
(This is how you specify an API (via a type) using servant, with their provided :<|>
and :>
operators — :<|>
combines routes, :>
combines path components, and QueryParam
, Capture
, etc. all add parts to components and routes.)
We have five routes, which more or less mirror exactly the five bullet points listed above, with some minor implementation choices:
- For
, we take “filtered or not filtered” as a query flag, and return anIntMap
of aTask
data type (status, description) under their integer ID key. - For
, we take the task description as a query parameter, and return the new ID. - For
, we take the task ID as a capture (path component) and an optional boolean query parameter. If the parameter is not given, it will be taken as a toggle; otherwise, it will be taken as a setting of the completion status. - For
, we also take the task ID as a capture. - For
, we return the deleted IDs as anIntSet
(also from containers).
“Query flag”, “query parameter”, “capture” are all a part of the language of HTTP and W3C. In our case, since we aren’t ever directly programming against the actual protocol-HTTP (it’s only used under the hood) or pretending to write an actual web-interfacing server, we don’t really need to care too much to distinguish them. However, it can be useful to pick meaningful choices if we ever do want to expose this API as a web service.
Todo Service Servertop
The logic to implement a todo server is pretty straightforward, which is why we chose it as an example project. It only really needs one state: the IntMap
of current tasks.
To write a servant server with servant-server, I usually like to just set up a skeleton with each route:
serveTodoApi :: IORef (IntMap Task) -> Server TodoApi
= serveList
serveTodoApi taskRef :<|> serveAdd
:<|> serveSet
:<|> serveDelete
:<|> servePrune
The corresponding GHC error tells us everything we need:
server.hs:15:24: error:
Variable not in scope: serveList :: Bool -> Handler (IntMap Task)
15 | serveTodoApi taskRef = serveList
| ^^^^^^^^^
server.hs:16:24: error:
Variable not in scope: serveAdd :: Text -> Handler Int
16 | :<|> serveAdd
| ^^^^^^^^
server.hs:17:24: error:
Variable not in scope: serveSet :: Int -> Maybe Bool -> Handler ()
17 | :<|> serveSet
| ^^^^^^^^
server.hs:18:24: error:
Variable not in scope: serveDelete :: Int -> Handler ()
18 | :<|> serveDelete
| ^^^^^^^^^^^
server.hs:19:24: error:
Variable not in scope: servePrune :: Handler IntSet
19 | :<|> servePrune
| ^^^^^^^^^^
It tells us exactly the types of each handler we need.
Because Handler
has a MonadIO
instance, we can now directly just write every handler in terms of how it manipulates the IntMap
in the IORef
, and use liftIO
serveTodoApi :: IORef (IntMap Task) -> Server TodoApi
= serveList
serveTodoApi taskRef :<|> serveAdd
:<|> serveSet
:<|> serveDelete
:<|> servePrune
serveList :: Bool -> Handler (IntMap Task)
= filtFunction <$> liftIO (readIORef taskRef)
serveList filt where
filtFunction| filt = IM.filter (not . taskStatus)
| otherwise = id
serveAdd :: Text -> Handler Int
= liftIO $ atomicModifyIORef' taskRef $ \ts ->
serveAdd t let newKey = maybe 0 ((+ 1) . fst) (IM.lookupMax ts)
in ( IM.insert newKey (Task False t) ts, newKey )
serveSet :: Int -> Maybe Bool -> Handler ()
= liftIO $ atomicModifyIORef' taskRef $ \ts ->
serveSet tid s
( IM.adjust adjuster tid ts, () )where
Task c d) = case s of
adjuster (Nothing -> Task (not c) d
Just c' -> Task c' d
serveDelete :: Int -> Handler ()
= liftIO $ atomicModifyIORef' taskRef $ \ts ->
serveDelete tid
( IM.delete tid ts, () ) servePrune :: Handler IntSet
= liftIO $ atomicModifyIORef' taskRef $ \ts ->
servePrune let (compl,incompl) = IM.partition taskStatus ts
in (incompl, IM.keysSet compl)
And that’s it!
To run our server, we can use warp’s run
with servant-server’s serve
, after initializing the IORef
that our server will use with an empty map:
main :: IO ()
= do
main <- newIORef IM.empty
taskRef putStrLn "Launching server..."
3434 $
run serve todoApi (serveTodoApi taskRef)
We now have a todo TCP/IP service running on port 3434!
Todo Service Clienttop
To write a client, we have a couple of options.
You could hand-write a command-line client using either optparse-applicative (or your favorite command line args parser) for an options-and-arguments style interface or a readline library like haskeline for an interactive interface.
Hand-writing one is made pretty simple with servant-client, which allows you to generate all of the HTTP calls using the client
:<|> add :<|> set :<|> delete :<|> prune = client todoApi list
This will give you the functions list :: Bool -> ClientM (IntMap Task)
, add :: Text -> ClientM Int
, set :: Int -> Maybe Bool -> ClientM ()
, etc., that you can now run whenever you want to dispatch a command or make a fetch according to your hand-rolled needs.
However, this blog post is about “dead-simple” setups that you can roll out within minutes. For that, you can use the library servant-cli to automatically generate an optparse-applicative-based command line interface that allows you to directly specify your commands based on command line arguments
main :: IO ()
= do
main <- parseHandleClient todoApi (Proxy :: Proxy ClientM)
c "todo" <> progDesc "Todo TCP/IP service client" )
( header
( displayList:<|> (\i -> "Added with ID " ++ show i)
:<|> const "Set!"
:<|> const "Deleted!"
:<|> (\ts -> "Cleared items: " ++ intercalate ", " (map show (IS.toList ts)))
<- newManager defaultManagerSettings >>= \mgr ->
res $
runClientM c BaseUrl Http "localhost" 3434 "")
mkClientEnv mgr (
case res of
Left e -> throwIO e
Right r -> putStrLn r
displayList :: IntMap Task -> String
= unlines
displayList . map (\(k, t) -> printf "%d) %s" k (displayTask t))
. IM.toList
Task c t)
displayTask (| c = "[x] " ++ T.unpack t
| otherwise = "[ ] " ++ T.unpack t
The main thing that does the work is parseHandleClient
, which takes (after some proxies specifying the API and client type):
Extra arguments modifying the command line help messages
A way to “handle” a response for every command.
- For
, we display it using a nice pretty-printer - For
, we show the new ID number. - For
, we just display the fact that it was successful (remember, these routes returned()
) - For
, we pretty-print the deleted items.
We choose to handle each command as a
, but we can choose to handle them each into any type we want (even something involvingIO
) as long as each handler returns something of the same type.The handler is run and is returned as the value in
when used withrunClientM
.- For
Again, a nice way to “write” our parseHandleClient
function with its handlers is by writing a skeleton definition and letting GHC tell us what goes in each hole:
main :: IO ()
= do
main <- parseHandleClient todoApi (Proxy :: Proxy ClientM)
c "todo" <> progDesc "Todo TCP/IP service client" )
( header
( handleList:<|> handleAdd
:<|> handleSet
:<|> handleDelete
:<|> handlePrune
)pure ()
client.hs:36:11: error:
• Variable not in scope: handleList :: IntMap Task -> [Char]
36 | ( handleList
| ^^^^^^^^^^
client.hs:37:11: error:
Variable not in scope: handleAdd :: Int -> [Char]
37 | :<|> handleAdd
| ^^^^^^^^^
client.hs:38:11: error:
Variable not in scope: handleSet :: () -> [Char]
38 | :<|> handleSet
| ^^^^^^^^^
client.hs:39:11: error:
Variable not in scope: handleDelete :: () -> [Char]
39 | :<|> handleDelete
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^
client.hs:40:11: error:
Variable not in scope: handlePrune :: IS.IntSet -> [Char]
40 | :<|> handlePrune
| ^^^^^^^^^^^
One last thing — servant-cli requires some instances to provide “help” documentation for the command line interfaces:
instance ToParam (QueryFlag "filtered") where
= DocQueryParam "filtered" [] "Whether or not to filter completed items" Flag
toParam _ instance ToParam (QueryParam' '[Required] "desc" Text) where
= DocQueryParam "desc" [] "Task description" Normal
toParam _ instance ToParam (QueryParam "completed" Bool) where
= DocQueryParam "completed" ["True","False"] "Set status to (leave out for toggle)" Normal
toParam _ instance ToCapture (Capture "id" Int) where
= DocCapture "id" "ID number of task" toCapture _
And we now get a fully-featured client for our service!
# make sure you run ./server.hs in a separate window
$ ./client.hs --help
Usage: client.hs COMPONENT
Todo TCP/IP service client
Available options:
-h,--help Show this help text
Path components:
$ ./client.hs add --help
Usage: client.hs add --desc TEXT
Available options:
--desc TEXT Task description (Text)
-h,--help Show this help text
$ ./client.hs list --help
Usage: client.hs list [--filtered]
Available options:
--filtered Whether or not to filter completed items
-h,--help Show this help text
$ ./client.hs set --help
Usage: client.hs set <id> [--completed BOOL]
Available options:
<id> ID number of task (Int)
--completed BOOL Set status to (leave out for toggle) (options: True,
-h,--help Show this help text
One major thing I like about this method is that it’s very type-safe and allows for types to drive your development. Note how all of the messiness of a binary protocol like TCP/IP are abstracted away, and you only ever deal with IntMap
s, Text
, Bool
, Int
s. And also note how in every step of the way, we use types to guide us: in writing our server, we first used “blanks” to ask GHC what the type of each of the handlers needs to be, which helps us plan our server implementation and ensures that it handles everything properly. In writing our client, we also used “blanks” to ask GHC what the type of each of our response handlers needs to be, which allows us to quickly and effectively drill down every option. These are things that all servant-based projects get to benefit from.
Hopefully this post serves as a good introduction to the servant, servant-server, and servant-cli libraries, and additionally shows how easy it is to give any application you want a TCP/IP interface to be usable as a TCP/IP service. In the real world, your applications might be a little more complex (and you might even require authentication), but hopefully after reading this article, the “network-facing” part of your service or application becomes a lot less intimidating :)
I know for me, the main benefit has been to tear down the “barrier of entry”/mental startup cost, and I’ve started writing little services and clients like this as a first-step in a lot of cases, instead of as something I dread and only end up adding to a few programs.
Also, fair disclosure: the author of servant-cli is me! I’m not super happy with the user experience story at the moment, but it has been usable for me so far. If you have any suggestions or ideas for improving servant-cli, I’d love to hear (and look at any PRs!)
Special Thankstop
I am very humbled to be supported by an amazing community, who make it possible for me to devote time to researching and writing these posts. Very special thanks to my supporter at the “Amazing” level on patreon, Josh Vera! :)