Haskell Nuggets: k-means

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AI is hot, so let’s talk about some “classical machine learning” in Haskell with k-means clustering! Let’s throw in some dependent types too.

There are a bazillion ways of implementing such a simple algorithm, but this is how I’d do it, as someone who develops almost exclusively in Haskell (or functional pure languages) in both personal projects and work. It’s not the “right” way or the “best” way, but it’s the way that brings me joy. Hopefully it can also break beyond the simple toy projects you’ll often see in conceptual tutorials. You’ll see how I integrate dependent types, type-driven development, mutable data structures, generating random data, and preparation for parallelism. I have been meaning to shift away from “conceptual” posts and instead post a bit more about small, practical snippets that demonstrate some useful Haskell techniques and principles drive how I approach coding in Haskell overall.

For reference, the intended audience is for people with knowledge of Haskell syntax and basic idioms (mapping, traversing, folding, applicatives). The source code is online here, and is structured as a nix flake script. If you have nix installed (and flakes enabled), you should be able to run the script as an executable (./kmeans.hs). You can also load it for editing with nix develop + ghci.

The Algorithm

K-means is a method of assigning a bunch of data points and samples into k clusters. For the purpose of this post, we’re going to talk about data points as points in a vector space and clustering as grouping together clusters of points that are close to each other (using Euclidean/L2 distance).

The basic iteration goes like this:

  1. Start with k cluster centers (“means”, or “centroids” sometimes), k arbitrary points in your space.
  2. Repeat until the stop condition:
    • Assign/bucket each data point to its closest cluster center/mean.
    • Move each of the cluster centers to the mean/centroid of the points that were assigned to it, or the points in its bucket.

Basically, we repeatedly say, “if this was the true cluster center, what points would be in it?”. Then we adjust our cluster center to the center of those points that were assigned to it, updating to a better guess. Then we repeat again. A simple stopping condition would be if none of the k centers move after the update step.

The algorithm leaves the assigning of the original points undefined, and it’s also not optimal either, since it might converge on clusters that aren’t the best. But it’s simple enough conceptually that it’s taught in every beginner machine learning course.

The Haskell

We’re going to be dealing with points in a vector space and distances between them, so a good thing to reach for is the linear library, which offers types for 2D vectors, 3D vectors, etc. and how to deal with them as points in a vector space. linear offers an abstraction over multiple vector space points. A point has type p a: p is a vector space over field a. The library has V2 a for 2D points, so V2 Double is essentially \(\mathbb{R}^2\), a 2 dimensional point with double-valued components.

We want a collection of k cluster centers. We can use vector-sized for a fixed-size collection of items, Vector k (V2 Double) for k 2-D double points, or Vector k (p a) for k of any type of points.1

So overall, our function will have type:

kMeans :: [p a] -> Vector k (p a)

It will take a collection of p a points, and provide the k cluster centers. Note here that we have “return-type polymorphism”, where the k (number of items) is determined by what type the user expects the function to return. If they want 3 clusters of 2d points, they will call it expecting Vector 3 (V2 Double). If they want 10 clusters of 2d points, they would call it expecting Vector 10 (V2 Double).

We take a list of p a’s here because all we are going to do is iterate over each one…we don’t really care about random access or updates, so it’s really the best we can hope for, asymptotically2.

We have some leeway as to how we initialize our initial clusters. One simple solution is to just assign point 0 to cluster 0, point 1 to cluster, point 2 to cluster 2, etc., cycling around the clusters.

-- source: https://github.com/mstksg/inCode/tree/master/code-samples/kmeans/kmeans.hs#L33-L42

initialClusters :: (Additive p, Fractional a, KnownNat k) => [p a] -> Vector k (p a)
initialClusters pts = runST do
  sums <- MV.replicate zero
  counts <- MV.replicate 0
  ifor_ pts \i p -> do
    let i' = modulo (fromIntegral i)
    MV.modify sums (^+^ p) i'
    MV.modify counts (+ 1) i'
  V.generateM \i ->
    (^/) <$> MV.read sums i <*> (fromInteger <$> MV.read counts i)

runST runs the mutable algorithm where we initialize a vector of point sums and a vector of point counts. We then iterate over all of the points with their index (with ifor_), and we add that point to the index of the cluster, modulo k. A sized vector Vector k a is indexed by a Finite k (an integer from 0 to k-1). So, modulo :: Integer -> Finite k will convert an integer index to the Finite k index type, using modulus to wrap it around if it’s too big.

Here we are using some functions from linear:

  • (^+^) :: (Additive p, Num a) => p a -> p a -> p a which adds together two points
  • (^/) :: (Functor p, Fractional a) => p a -> a -> p a which divides a point by a scalar

At the end of it all, we use V.generateM to assemble our final (immutable) centroids by reading out the sums and totals at each cluster:

V.generateM :: (Finite k -> m a) -> m (Vector k a)

Note that the lengths of our intermediate vectors (sums, counts, and the final result) are all implicitly inferred through type inference (by k).

We can actually do a similar loop to assign/bin each point and compute the new centroids:

-- source: https://github.com/mstksg/inCode/tree/master/code-samples/kmeans/kmeans.hs#L44-L61

moveClusters ::
  forall k p a.
  (Metric p, Floating a, Ord a, KnownNat k, 1 <= k) =>
  [p a] ->
  Vector k (p a) ->
  Vector k (p a)
moveClusters pts origCentroids = runST do
  sums <- MV.replicate zero
  counts <- MV.replicate 0
  for_ pts \p -> do
    let closestIx = V.minIndex @a @(k - 1) (distance p <$> origCentroids)
    MV.modify sums (^+^ p) closestIx
    MV.modify counts (+ 1) closestIx
  V.generateM \i -> do
    n <- MV.read counts i
    if n == 0
      then pure $ origCentroids `V.index` i
      else (^/ fromInteger n) <$> MV.read sums i

We just have to be careful to not move the centroid if there are no points assigned to it, otherwise we’d be dividing by 0.

Notice there’s also something a little subtle going on with closestIx, which exposes a bit of the awkwardness with working with type-level numbers in Haskell today. The type of V.minIndex is:

V.minIndex :: forall a n. Ord a => Vector (n + 1) a -> Finite (n + 1)

This is because we only ever get a minimum if the vector is non-empty. So the library takes n + 1 as the size to ensure that only positive length vectors are passed.

In our case, we want V.minIndex blah :: Finite k. However, remember how typechecking works: we need to unify the type variables a and n so that n + 1 is equal to k. So, what does n have to be so that \(n + 1 = k\)? Well, we can see from algebra that n needs to be k - 1: (k - 1) + 1 is equal to k. However, GHC is a little dumb-dumb here in that it cannot solve for n itself. We can explicitly pass in @(k - 1) to say that n has to be k - 1.

For this to work we need to pull in a GHC plugin ghc-typelits-natnormalise which will allow GHC to simplify (k - 1) + 1 to be k, which it can’t do by itself for some reason. It also requires the constraint that 1 <= k in order for k - 1 to make sense for natural number k. We can pull in the plugin with:

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin GHC.TypeLits.Normalise #-}

Honestly if we were to design the library from scratch today, I’d define it as:

V.minIndex :: forall a n. (Ord a, 1 <= n) => Vector n a -> Finite n

in the first place, and we wouldn’t need the typechecker plugin.

Anyway so that’s the whole thing:

-- source: https://github.com/mstksg/inCode/tree/master/code-samples/kmeans/kmeans.hs#L63-L75

kMeans ::
  forall k p a.
  (Metric p, Floating a, Ord a, Eq (p a), KnownNat k, 1 <= k) =>
  [p a] ->
  Vector k (p a)
kMeans pts = go 0 (initialClusters pts)
    go :: Int -> Vector k (p a) -> Vector k (p a)
    go !i !cs
      | cs == cs' || i > 100 = cs
      | otherwise = go (i + 1) cs'
        cs' = moveClusters pts cs

Note I also added a stop after 100 steps, just to be safe.

Type-Level Advantages and Usability

Having k in the type is useful for many reasons:

  1. It helps us ensure that moveClusters doesn’t change the number of clusters/centroids. If it was just [p a] -> [p a] we cannot guarantee that it does not add or drop clusters.
  2. The type system means we don’t have to manually pass int sizes around. For example, in initialClusters, we implicitly pass the size around four times when we do MV.replicate (twice), modulo, and generateM! And, in the definition of kMeans, we implicitly pass it on to our call to initialClusters.
  3. We don’t have to worry about out-of-bounds indexing because any indices we generate (using modular or minIndex) are guaranteed (by their types) to be valid.
  4. It’s useful for the caller to guarantee they are getting what they are asking for. If kMeans :: Int -> [p a] -> [p a], then we (as the caller) can’t be sure that the result list has the number of items that we requested. But because we have kMeans :: [p a] -> Vector k (p a), the compiler ensures that the result has k items.

However you won’t always be able to necessarily put in a literal 3 in Vector 3 (V2 Double). Maybe your k comes from a configuration file or something else you pull in at runtime. We need a way to call kMeans with just an Int! (also known as “reification”)

Normally, this means using someNatVal to convert a value-level Natural into a type-level Nat. However, in this case we have to be a bit more careful because k must be at least 1. As of GHC 9.2, we can use cmpNat (before this, you could use typelits-witnesses) to bring this constraint into scope.

-- source: https://github.com/mstksg/inCode/tree/master/code-samples/kmeans/kmeans.hs#L77-L87

kMeans' ::
  forall p a.
  (Metric p, Floating a, Ord a, Eq (p a)) =>
  Natural ->
  [p a] ->
  [p a]
kMeans' k pts = case someNatVal k of
  SomeNat @k pk -> case cmpNat (Proxy @1) pk of
    LTI -> toList $ kMeans @k pts -- 1 < k, so 1 <= k is valid
    EQI -> toList $ kMeans @k pts -- 1 == k, so 1 <= k is valid
    GTI -> [] -- in this branch, 1 > k, so we cannot call kMeans

Applying the Clusters

Of course, kMeans only gets us our centroids, so it would be useful to actually create the clusters themselves and all their member points. We can do something similar to what we did before with ST and mutable vectors and runST, but life is too short to always be using mutable state. Let’s instead build up a map of indices to all the points that are closest to that index. Then we use generate :: (Finite k -> a) -> Vector k a to create a vector by picking out the maps’ value at the index at each spot in the vector. Again here we see that the type system helps us by not having to manually pass in a size, and generate giving us indices i that match the number of the centroids we are grouping on.

-- source: https://github.com/mstksg/inCode/tree/master/code-samples/kmeans/kmeans.hs#L104-L119

applyClusters ::
  forall k p a.
  (Metric p, Floating a, Ord a, Ord (p a), KnownNat k, 1 <= k) =>
  [p a] ->
  Vector k (p a) ->
  Vector k (Set (p a))
applyClusters pts cs = V.generate \i -> M.findWithDefault S.empty i pointsClosestTo
    pointsClosestTo :: Map (Finite k) (Set (p a))
    pointsClosestTo =
        [ (closestIx, S.singleton p)
        | p <- pts
        , let closestIx = V.minIndex @a @(k - 1) (distance p <$> cs)


Typically we parallelize this by assigning each worker thread a chunk of points it has to deal with, and having each one compute sums and counts and coordinating it all back in the end. In this case we want to keep the intermediate sums and counts:

-- source: https://github.com/mstksg/inCode/tree/master/code-samples/kmeans/kmeans.hs#L89-L102

groupAndSum ::
  (Metric p, Floating a, Ord a, KnownNat (k + 1)) =>
  [p a] ->
  Vector (k + 1) (p a) ->
  Vector (k + 1) (p a, Integer)
groupAndSum pts cs0 = runST do
  sums <- MV.replicate zero
  counts <- MV.replicate 0
  for_ pts \p -> do
    let closestIx = V.minIndex (distance p <$> cs0)
    MV.modify sums (^+^ p) closestIx
    MV.modify counts (+ 1) closestIx
  V.generateM \i ->
    (,) <$> MV.read sums i <*> MV.read counts i

Running an example

For funsies let us generate sample points that we know are clustered based on k random cluster centers, using mwc-random for randomness.

-- source: https://github.com/mstksg/inCode/tree/master/code-samples/kmeans/kmeans.hs#L121-L147

generateSamples ::
  forall p g m.
  (Applicative p, Traversable p, StatefulGen g m) =>
  -- | number of points per cluster
  Int ->
  -- | number of clusters
  Int ->
  g ->
  m ([p Double], [p Double])
generateSamples numPts numClusters g = do
  (centers, ptss) <-
    unzip <$> replicateM numClusters do
      -- generate the centroid uniformly in the box component-by-component
      center <- sequenceA $ pure @p $ MWC.uniformRM (0, boxSize) g
      -- generate numPts points...
      pts <-
        replicateM numPts $
          -- .. component-by-component, as normal distribution around the center
          traverse (\c -> MWC.normal c 0.1 g) center
      pure (center, pts)
  pure (centers, concat ptss)
    -- get the dimension by getting the length of a unit point
    dim = length (pure () :: p ())
    -- approximately scale the range of the numbers by the area that the
    -- clusters would take up
    boxSize = (fromIntegral numClusters ** recip (fromIntegral dim)) * 20

By the way isn’t it funny that everything just ends up being traverse or some derivation of it (like replicateM or sequenceA)? Anyways,

-- source: https://github.com/mstksg/inCode/tree/master/code-samples/kmeans/kmeans.hs#L149-L158

main :: IO ()
main = do
  g <- MWC.createSystemRandom
  (centers, samps) <- generateSamples @V2 10 3 g
  putStrLn "* points"
  mapM_ print samps
  putStrLn "* actual centers"
  print centers
  putStrLn "* kmeans centers"
  print $ kMeans' 3 samps
* points
V2 15.117809404050517 2.4824833627968137
V2 14.825686288414198 2.569457175505424
V2 14.806948346588289 2.3222471406644867
V2 15.012490917145703 2.41735577349797
V2 15.007612893836304 2.3823051676970746
V2 14.866016893659538 2.590777185848723
V2 14.83908442030534 2.5756382736578343
V2 14.969996769619264 2.549568226274995
V2 14.983371307935904 2.4823314218207586
V2 14.931617828479244 2.469607213743923
V2 29.426938075603196 9.90899836541481
V2 29.657363050066813 9.844458859292706
V2 29.487332896419872 9.65240948313236
V2 29.717470180982964 9.756325723236502
V2 29.67198068295402 9.688676918673274
V2 29.564673351390947 9.63896189703656
V2 29.56057222121772 9.833541221236656
V2 29.563747509453506 9.75593412158655
V2 29.497322568720026 9.684752183878274
V2 29.598339480038018 9.968546198295204
V2 3.204536005881443 30.039372398954175
V2 3.1684921057193005 30.082909536200095
V2 3.2040077021183793 29.90694542057959
V2 3.151859377604784 29.89198303817146
V2 3.1027920089123935 30.240061564528673
V2 3.2323285236152937 30.037812094337777
V2 3.2722229374242366 30.05215727709455
V2 2.9723263815754652 30.06281544324189
V2 3.1935700833126437 30.068367400732857
V2 3.253701544151972 29.875079507116222
* actual centers
[V2 14.938139892220267 2.4859265040850276,V2 29.55811494146035 9.808348344980386,V2 3.239842205071254 30.070304958459946]
* kmeans centers
[V2 14.936063507003428 2.484177094150801,V2 29.57457400168471 9.773260497178288,V2 3.175583667031591 30.025750368095725]


Special Thanks

I am very humbled to be supported by an amazing community, who make it possible for me to devote time to researching and writing these posts. Very special thanks to my supporter at the “Amazing” level on patreon, Josh Vera! :)

  1. Be mindful, for Vector here we are using things strictly as a “fixed-sized collection of values”, whereas for linear, we have types like V2 which represent points in a mathematical vector space. It’s a bit unfortunate that the terminology overlaps here a bit.↩︎

  2. Yes, yes, linked lists are notoriously bad for the CPU-level cache and branch prediction, so if we are in a situation where we really care, using a contiguous memory data structure (like Storable Vector) might be better.↩︎

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