Effectful, Recursive, Real-World Autos: Intro to Machine/Auto Part 3
in #auto-machines, #haskell, #machines, @Haskell, @Ramblings, +Intro to Machines and Arrows
Auto as Category, Applicative & Arrow (Intro to Machines/Arrows Part 2)
in #auto-machines, #haskell, #machines, @Haskell, @Ramblings, +Intro to Machines and Arrows
A (Dead End?) Arrowized Dataflow Parallelism Interface Attempt
in #haskell, #parallelism, @Haskell, @Ramblings, @Projects
Intro to Machines & Arrows (Part 1: Stream and Auto)
in #auto-machines, #functional reactive programming, #haskell, #machines, @Haskell, @Ramblings, +Intro to Machines and Arrows