Intro to Machines & Arrows (Part 1: Stream and Auto)

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So I’m going to be running a series soon on computation and (physical) simulations using AFRP (Arrowized Functional Reactive Programming) principles.

I consider (A)FRP to actually be a pretty game changing paradigm. It provides us with semantics by which to compose and build time-varying, reactive behaviors and completely changes the way we approach any sort of simulation/state-like project.

AFRP has its own elegant way of approaching problems, but to be able to properly use it for simulations, we’re going to have to start by learning about the fundamental abstraction behind its implementation: machines.1

(This post will assume a somewhat basic knowledge of Haskell. I’ll try explaining concepts here and there if I feel that they might not be very commonly known. But if you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment or stop by freenode’s #haskell on irc!)

(A short disclaimer: this article has not too much to do with the great machines library by Rúnar Bjarnason and Edward Kmett)

Why FRP?

This series doesn’t directly deal with FRP, but implementing FRP is one of the motivating factors for what we are discussing.

So why do we even bother with FRP? Why not just just program imperatively and mutate a state? It’s just as easy in a functional/pure language (with a trivial State monad wrapper) as it is in an imperative language.

The answer is the full power of functional programming: composition. Anyone who has dabbled in functional programming (or who has even used Unix pipes) has had a glimpse into the power of composition. We start with simple, fundamental, self-contained behaviors and compose them piece-by-piece into a complex one.

So why FRP? FRP provides for us meaningful semantics by which to compose time-varying and reactive behaviors, and create complex ones from smaller ones. You reason about a self-contained behavior “wire”…and then use tools to build complex behaviors from simple ones. You don’t specify what happens when, you specify how things should behave, from a top-down level. And then compose those behaviors.

So to proceed, in this post we are going to introduce Streams and (more importantly) Autos. In the next, we will be looking at Autos as a member of the powerful Category and Arrow typeclasses. In the final post, we’ll really be throwing in a lot of useful enhancements to the Auto type in hopes that you may be prepared for anything you encounter in the real world involving it, including the popular AFRP library netwire.


(All the code for Streams can be downloaded from github and tried interactively online at FPComplete)

Let’s start with streams, one of the simpler of machines.

Streams are basically infinitely long linked lists.

data Stream b = SCons (b, Stream b)

(SCons for “Stream cons”)

Compare that with the linked list data type, which is a Stream with an Ending (Nil):

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data List a = Cons (a, List a) | Nil

or, as is more traditionally written:

data [a] = (:) a [a] | []

It’s pretty easy to build lists:

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myList :: List Int
myList = Cons ( 1, Cons ( 2, Cons (3, Nil) ) )

which is just, in the more traditional (infix) form:

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myList' :: [Int]
myList' = 1:(2:(3:[]))

Let’s see if myList does what we want: (a list from 1 to 3):

ghci> let (Cons (x,xs)) = myList
ghci> x
ghci> :t xs
xs :: List Int
ghci> let (Cons (y,ys)) = xs
ghci> y
ghci> let (Cons (z,zs)) = ys
ghci> z
ghci> zs

Yes! Perfect. We can “traverse” down our linked list by repeatedly pattern matching out the “head” (the x, the first part of the tuple) and the “tail” (the xs, the second part of the tuple).

But how are we going to build a stream…? We don’t have access to Nil, so do we have to manually type out an infinite stream?

Let’s try defining the stream [1..] — a stream that contains every natural number starting from 1.

myStream' :: Stream Int
myStream' = SCons ( 1, SCons ( 2, SCons ( 3, ... ) ) )

Hm. This is going to take a while. I wonder if there’s an easier way?

We can take advantage of Haskell’s “lazy-by-default”-ness and leave the “rest” of the stream as an unevaluated function call. And then we can recurse!

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myStream :: Stream Int
myStream = streamFrom 1
    streamFrom :: Int -> Stream Int
    streamFrom n = SCons ( n, streamFrom (n+1) )

Cool! Let’s see if this myStream really does what we want, the same way we tested myList:

ghci> let (SCons (x, xs)) = myStream
ghci> x
ghci> :t xs
xs :: Stream Int
ghci> let (SCons (y, ys)) = xs
ghci> y
ghci> let (SCons (z, zs)) = ys
ghci> z
ghci> let (SCons (j,js)) = zs
ghci> j
ghci> let (SCons (k,ks)) = js
ghci> k

Yes, it works perfectly! Just like in the case of List, we can “traverse” down the stream by pattern matching out the “head” of the stream (the first part of the tuple) and the “tail” of the stream (the second part of the tuple).

Note that we can have some fun with Haskell syntax Stream by adding a record label to the first (and only) field:

data Stream b = SCons { runStream :: (b, Stream b) }

so that we can do fancy things like:

ghci> :t runStream
runStream :: Stream b -> (b, Stream b)
ghci> let (x, xs) = runStream myStream
ghci> x

Basically, we get for free the function runStream, a function that yanks the tuple out of the stream.

One minor final touch — because Stream has only one constructor and one field, we can make it a newtype, which has similar usage patterns/syntax as a data, but which the compiler can more easily optimize:

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newtype Stream b = SCons { runStream :: (b, Stream b) }

Automating Traversal

The repeated pattern matching we’ve been doing is kind of tedious, and it’ll only get more annoying over time, so let’s make a function that can automate the pattern matching for us really quickly so that we can test it more easily.

streamToList will take a Stream and perform the very straightforward conversion into an infinite list.

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streamToList :: Stream b -> [b]
streamToList (SCons (x, xs)) = x : streamToList xs

So now we can do:

ghci> take 10 $ streamToList myStream

Alternatively (and for reasons which will later become clear), we can also define testStream, which takes a specified amount of elements and returns also the “resulting” stream after all of those steps, and testStream_, which is the same thing except that we throw away the modified stream.

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testStream :: Stream b -> Int -> ([b], Stream b)
testStream strm 0 = ([]  , strm )
testStream strm n = (y:ys, final)
    (y , next )   = runStream  strm
    (ys, final)   = testStream next (n-1)

testStream_ :: Stream b -> Int -> [b]
testStream_ = (fst .) . testStream
ghci> testStream_ myStream 10

Streams are nice

Streams are nice! If you’ve been using Haskell for any stretch of time, you’ll know that we use infinite lists all the time and to great usefulness for the ends of expressiveness and abstraction.

In mathematics, streams are known as a form of Moore machines (albeit with potentially infinite sets of state and output values). They are machines that basically internally progress from state to state to state to state. They just keep on marching on…like a machine. In myStream, the initial state is 1. The next state is 2; the next is 3, etc. What is important is that the next state is a function of the current state.

This is made very apparent in our definition of streamFrom:

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    streamFrom :: Int -> Stream Int
    streamFrom n = SCons ( n, streamFrom (n+1) )

The “current state” whenever we call streamFrom n is n…the “next state” (the “initial state” of the “tail”) is n+1. We could have provided any function :: Int -> Int there (say, n+2), that would be for us our “next state” function.

So myStream is a Moore-like machine whose “next state” function is “the current state plus one”, and whose output is just the state itself.

State your purpose!

Did you catch that last sentence? It’s a subtle point. In general, streams can have outputs that are different than their states. As a trivial example, let’s have a stream whose state is an integer, yet whose output is a character:

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charStream :: Stream Char
charStream = charStreamFrom 65
    charStreamFrom :: Int -> Stream Char
    charStreamFrom n = SCons ( chr n, charStreamFrom (n+1) )
ghci> take 10 $ streamToList charStream

Wait, this is kind of weird. The type of our stream is Stream CharChar is the type of output/elements in the stream, the “head” when we pattern match. But where is the Int that is the state of our stream in the type Stream Char…?

Can we even write a function getState :: Stream b -> s that works in general for all streams?

Hm. If the state of our stream can have a type totally unrelated to the type of the stream…that means that we probably can’t even know what it type is. And that even if we could “force” it out somehow, we would not even be able to work with it in a type-safe way!

In fact…couldn’t the state even vary dynamically as the stream progresses?

Continuing on

The problem with streams, as you might have guessed, is that you can’t really affect their progress once they start. Once you start myStream, it’ll keep on marching on, and on, and on…you have no way to “influence” its progression during its march. The behavior of our stream can’t be influenced by the outside world in any way, once it has started. This is a bit limiting, because we want behaviors that we can have interact with each other.

And so, we have the natural generalization of streams (and the machine we will be spending the most time looking at): Auto.


(All the code for Autos can be downloaded from github and tried interactively online at FPComplete)

Let’s upgrade our streams, and introduce a way to affect how they progress. Let’s call it an Auto.

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newtype Auto a b = ACons { runAuto :: a -> (b, Auto a b) }

Now, instead of an SCons containing just a tuple (a head-tails), an ACons contains a function that produces your head-tails tuple. Before, all of our runStreams produced the same tuple no matter what. Now, our runAuto can produce a different tuple based on an outside input.

This is cool!

Let’s look at the type signature of Auto before we go too much further.

In Auto a b, b is (just like for a Stream) the type of your “head” and the type of the items in your “tail”. It’s the type of your “stream”.

a is the type of the “influencing input”.

So now, we basically have a Stream b, except at every “step”, we can “influence” the Stream with something of type a.

A Trivial Auto

Let’s look at a direct “port” of our myStream:

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myStreamAuto :: Auto a Int
myStreamAuto = streamAutoFrom 1
    streamAutoFrom :: Int -> Auto a Int
    streamAutoFrom n = ACons $ \_ -> ( n, streamAutoFrom (n+1) )

This is kind of a dumb example, but myStreamAuto is just the exact same as myStream. It’s an Auto, but it ignores its influencing input.

Let’s try it out.

ghci> :t runAuto
runAuto :: Auto a b -> (a -> (b, Auto a b))
ghci> let (x, xs) = runAuto myStreamAuto undefined
ghci> x
ghci> :t xs
xs :: Auto a Int
ghci> let (y, ys) = runAuto xs undefined
ghci> y
ghci> let (z, zs) = runAuto ys undefined
ghci> z

Remember that we are really doing (runAuto myStreamAuto) undefined, but because of how Haskell associates function calls, the parentheses are unnecessary. And hey, it kind of looks like runAuto is a two-parameter function with an Auto as the first parameter and the “influence”/“input” as its second. Which, due to the magic of currying-by-default, it basically is, in Haskell!

A Non-trivial Auto

Okay, that was fun I guess. But now let’s take a first look at an auto which can be influenced.

Let’s have a stream where at every step, we can choose to “reset” the counter to whatever integer we like.

We can do this by having the influence/input be a Maybe Int. If we want the counter to progress normally, we pass in a Nothing. If we want the counter to reset to a number n of our choosing, we pass in a Just n

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settableAuto :: Auto (Maybe Int) Int
settableAuto = counterFrom 1
    counterFrom :: Int -> Auto (Maybe Int) Int
    counterFrom n = ACons $ \reset ->
      let c = fromMaybe n reset
      in  ( c, counterFrom (c + 1) )

Remember that fromMaybe :: a -> Maybe a -> a takes a “default” value, a Maybe value, and then returns the value inside the Maybe if it’s a Just, or the default value if it’s a Nothing.

So basically, when you runAuto with the Auto, if you give it a Nothing, it’ll give you ( n, counterFrom (n+1) ). If you give it Just m, it’ll give you ( m, counterFrom (m+1) ).

Cool — let’s try it out.

ghci> let (x, xs) = runAuto settableAuto Nothing
ghci> x
ghci> let (y, ys) = runAuto xs Nothing
ghci> y
ghci> let (z, zs) = runAuto ys (Just 10)
ghci> z
ghci> let (j, js) = runAuto zs Nothing
ghci> j
ghci> let (k, ks) = runAuto js Nothing
ghci> k
ghci> let (l, ls) = runAuto ks (Just (-1))
ghci> l
ghci> let (m, ms) = runAuto ls Nothing
ghci> m

And there ya go.

Automatic traversals for our Autos

Again, the manual pattern matching is a little tedious so let’s write us a function to automate “progressing” down an Auto.

Like our testStream, testAuto takes an Auto. But because every “step” needs an input, testAuto auto takes a list that specifies the input for every step. testAuto returns the resulting collection of results, and also the modified Auto. testAuto_ throws away the new Auto and just gives us the collection.

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testAuto :: Auto a b -> [a] -> ([b], Auto a b)
testAuto auto []      = ([]  , auto )
testAuto auto (x:xs)  = (y:ys, final)
    (y,  next ) = runAuto  auto x
    (ys, final) = testAuto next xs

testAuto_ :: Auto a b -> [a] -> [b]
testAuto_ a = fst . testAuto a

Trying it out on settableAuto:

ghci> testAuto_ settableAuto [ Nothing, Nothing, Just 10
                             , Nothing, Nothing, Just (-1)
                             , Nothing ]

Alternatively, here is a fun way to test an Auto interactively, where you ask for input at each iteration from the user —

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interactAuto :: (Read a, Show b) => Auto a b -> IO ()
interactAuto a0 = do
    inp <- getLine
    let (x,a1) = runAuto a0 (read inp)
    print x
    interactAuto a1
ghci> interactAuto settableAuto
> Nothing
> Nothing
> Just 10
> Nothing

A Shift

Let’s shift our thinking a bit. Instead of seeing Autos as “streams you can influence”, we can think about them as “functions with state”. That is, they are functions that carry self-contained encapsulated state inside themselves. They are still functions of some kind — you put in an “input” of type a and get in an “output” (the head) of type b. However, every “time” you do this, you get a different output depending on what you have already passed in and what the internal state is. As we will see, this internal state is completely opaque to the world. The world only has access to the “output”, the result.

(Remember that, because we’re in a functional language, nothing is technically actually really “mutable”. When we say that we have a stateful function, we really mean that every time we “call” the function, we get back an “updated” function with the new state that behaves differently when “called”).

To put it in terms of settableAuto:

  • The “input” of settableAuto is our Maybe Int by which we convey or decision to reset or allow to increment by one as normal.
  • The “output” of settableAuto is the “head” of the ACons that is returned — the x, y, etc. It’s the Int, the counter.
  • The “state” of settableAuto is, in essence, the n of counterFrom n. It’s the internal value by which the behavior is determined. The behavior of runAuto depends on the n — it either yields n itself and increments n, or ignores it.

The opaque state

It’s a little tricky because the “output” and the “state” in our example function seem to be exactly the same (just like for myStream), but let’s whip up a quick example where it’s a little more obvious that the state and the output are different things, and that the state is completely opaque and encapsulated.

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isEvenAuto :: Auto (Maybe Int) Bool
isEvenAuto = isEvenAutoFrom 1
    isEvenAutoFrom :: Int -> Auto (Maybe Int) Bool
    isEvenAutoFrom n = ACons $ \reset ->
      let c = fromMaybe n reset
      in  ( even c, isEvenAutoFrom (c + 1) )

So isEvenAuto is the same as settableCounterFrom, except instead of “yielding”/“outputting” n, it outputs even nTrue if n is even and False if n is odd.

Here is a demonstration of its behavior —

ghci> testAuto isEvenAuto  [ Nothing, Nothing, Just 10
                           , Nothing, Nothing, Just (-1)
                           , Nothing ]

Note that there is in general really no way to ever access the n internally (in fact, like we said before, it is in theory possible because we can’t even know its type). It is completely sealed off from the world, except by our explicit design. Here, we choose to only “offer” a way to “set” it using our input.

Now it the three distinct concepts — the input, output, and state — should be clear.

  • The “input” again is a Maybe Int where we can choose to reset the march of the state.
  • The “output” here is now a Bool that says whether or not the internal state is even.
  • The “state” here is still that n (an Int), and was the same as in the last example. But here it is more clear that the state is inaccessible in general. We can only modify it in ways that the Auto itself allows our “input” (in this case, a setter) to modify it. And we certainly can’t arbitrarily “read” it.

Autos are nice!

It should be clear now that Autos are a more or less straightforward extension of Streams.

In fact, you might see that every Stream b is equivalent to Auto () b, where the input is always unit.

Autos correspond loosely to the mathematical Mealy machine, but again with technically potentially infinitely many possible states, input, and output values.

Now, we have a way to model behaviors that can somehow interact with the outside world.

More on state

As we have seen, Auto’s carry all of the hidden-internal-state features of Streams. The type of an Auto (Auto a b) reveals the type of the “input” and the “ouput”…but it never reveals nor fixes the type of the “state”. The type of the state is not only unknown, by possibly dynamically changing over the course of the Auto’s progression.

What Auto offers over Stream is then a way for the outside world to access and modify the state if the Auto wants it to. Now, we can design Autos that, like we have seen with settableAuto, we can offer limited ways to allow the world to modify the state on our own terms.

The Accumulator

Let’s try our hand at another Auto, but instead of looking at things as an influencable and eternally marching stream, we’re going to try to look at things as a function with state that affects its output.

How about an Auto that “accumulates” and “sums up” all of its incoming inputs, starting at 0? More correctly, an Auto that, given any int, “returns” the sum of that int with all of the previous ints it has received in its lifetime.

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summer :: Num a => Auto a a
summer = sumFrom 0
    sumFrom :: Num a => a -> Auto a a
    sumFrom n = ACons $ \input ->
      let s = n + input
      in  ( s , sumFrom s )
ghci> let (out1, auto1) = runAuto summer 10
ghci> out1
ghci> let (out2, auto2) = runAuto auto1 3
ghci> out2
ghci> testAuto_ auto2 [15,-17,6,0,-1]
  • The “input” is our incoming Int — 10, 3, 15, -17, etc.
  • The “output” is the accumulated sum/integral – 10, 13, 28, 11, etc.
  • The “state” in this case is the accumulator, which in this case stays in sync with the output. But remember that this is not the case in general.

Just for kicks, let’s generalize this and make an Auto version of foldl (technically, more like scanl): give us an operator and an initial value, and we’ll “fold up” all of our inputs.

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autoFold :: forall a b. (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Auto a b
autoFold op init = foldFrom init
    foldFrom :: b -> Auto a b
    foldFrom x = ACons $ \input ->
      let y = x `op` input
      in  ( y, foldFrom y )

(the forall is used with the Scoped Type Variables extension to let us say that the b we mention in the type of foldFrom is the same as the b in the type of autoFold. If we leave off the type signature of foldFrom, this is not necessary)

Note that summer then is just autoFold (+) 0.

You can probably imagine lots of different folds you can turn into autoFolds…and indeed a lot of practical Autos are just autoFolds. Here are some cute ones:

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accumulateIntoList :: Auto a [a]
accumulateIntoList = autoFold (flip (:)) []

productor :: Num a => Auto a a
productor = autoFold (*) 1

accumulateStrings :: Auto String String
accumulateStrings = autoFold (++) ""

monoidAccum :: Monoid a => Auto a a
monoidAccum = autoFold mappend mempty

Cool, huh?

Parallels with list folds

Let’s look very carefully at a comparison between the type signature of Prelude’s foldl and the type signature of autoFold:

foldl      :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> ([a] -> b)
autoFold   :: (b -> a -> b) -> b ->  Auto a b

Hm. Let’s do some rearranging. Remember that in Haskell, (->) is just an infix type operator. So we can always rewrite a -> b as (->) a b

foldl      :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> ( (->) [a] b )
autoFold   :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> ( Auto  a  b )

Let’s get rid of some of the points, too:

foldl    op initial  :: (->) [a] b
autoFold op initial  :: Auto  a  b

So both foldl and autoFold have very similar behaviors:

Give foldl or autoFold an accumulating function and an initial value, and they return a new “function thing”.

For foldl op initial, this “function thing” takes a list of a values and condenses them into a b value.

For autoFold op initial, the “function thing” takes one a value and returns a b value based on the previous a’s it has seen.

The main point here is that autoFold is a sort of “function” in a way…just like the others before it. It’s a….”function-like thing”.


Here is a quick diversion, if you’re up for it. This doesn’t really have too much to do with the rest of the post, but it’ll help you test your intuition a bit with Autos.

As an exercise, compare (and contrast) these three functions of identical type signatures:

map       f          :: [a] -> [b]
scanl     op initial :: [a] -> [b]
testAuto_ auto       :: [a] -> [b]

(Assume that scanl does not include the initial accumulator…that is, we are really talking about drop 1 . scanl op init)

Compare what they do conceptually. Then, for fun, try implementing some of them in terms of the other. Which re-implementations are possible? Which ones aren’t?

More Auto examples

I’ve thrown up a few auto examples that you can run online so you can try it out and see how different ones work. Don’t get too attached to them, because we will later be re-implementing them as compositions of smaller, simpler building blocks.

rollingAverage n :: Fractional a => Auto a a outputs a rolling average of the last n values it has encountered
ghci> testAuto_ (rollingAverage 4) [2,8,4,5,1,8,3,5,1,1,8,3,5,9,2]
[2.0 ,5.0 ,4.67,4.75,4.5
,4.5 ,4.25,4.25,4.25,2.5
onFor p i :: Auto a Bool normally outputs False…except whenever the input matches the given predicate p :: a -> Bool. Then it stays “on” (True) for i steps.
ghci> :t onFor even 3
onFor even 3 :: Auto Int Bool
ghci> testAuto_ (onFor even 3) [1,1,2,1,1,1,1,4,1,6,1,1,1,1]
[ False, False, True , True , True
, False, False, True , True , True
, True , True , False, False ]

autoMap cap :: Auto (Command k v) (Maybe v) is a neat one. It internally holds a Map (a key-value store) — you can give it [Command][] data types that tell it to insert, lookup, and delete values. However, it enforces a maximum of items.

The main thing to note here is that you get to completely encapsulate your “state”, and allow it only to be “modified” or “viewed” under your own terms. In OOP terms, it is like exposing only a few public methods to modify your private state with discrimination. If you were passed an autoMap with items already inside, you would have no way to have full “access” to the map — you would never be able to perform general operations (such as getting a list of all of the keys).

ghci> testAuto_ (autoMap 3)
    |   [ Insert "hello" 7
    |   , Insert "world" 10
    |   , Insert "foo" 12
    |   , Insert "bar" 15
    |   , Delete "baz"
    |   , Delete "world"
    |   , Insert "haskell" 19
    |   , Lookup "world"
    |   , Lookup "hello"
    |   ]
[ Just 7 , Just 10, Just 12
, Nothing, Nothing, Just 10
, Just 19, Nothing, Just 7  ]

“Function Things”

Anyways, back to our main point of emphasis:

Autos are function-like things.

They are functions…with (self-contained) state.

Let’s do an analysis for isEvenAuto like the one we did with foldAuto. Our “input” was a Maybe Int and our “output” was a Bool.

You can think of isEvenAuto as a “function thing” from Maybe Int to Bool.

Here’s another function from Maybe Int to Bool: (I’m going to be using the prefix form of (->) a lot from now on)

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maybeIsEven :: (->) (Maybe Int) Bool
maybeIsEven = even . fromMaybe 1

maybeIsEven returns True when value inside the Just is even, or False if the value is odd or it’s a Nothing.

Compare that type signature to that of our isEvenAuto

maybeIsEven :: (->) (Maybe Int) Bool
isEvenAuto  :: Auto (Maybe Int) Bool

maybeIsEven and isEvenAuto are both “function-like things”. But whereas maybeIsEven is “memoryless” (it’s the same every time you call it), isEvenAuto has memory — it returns a different Boolean based on its history.

Contrast this with a Stream, which as we have seen is just an Auto () b. Streams are then “function like things” analogous to some (->) () b, or () -> b. We can call functions like () -> b “constants”, or “producers”. They are the same every time you call them or ask for them. Streams, however, “return” a potentially different b value every time they are “asked for”. So, just like an Auto is a “function” that has memory, a Stream is like a “constant” that has memory. A stateful generator. A “constant” that returns something different every time you ask for it.

Anyway, you should be able to guess that, after vaguely using the phrase “function things” several times…I’m going to surprise you all with the revelation that the general class of these “function things” have a name! And maybe even…a typeclass?


So far we haven’t really made too convincing of an argument for the advantages of using machines (like Auto and the related Wire). Yeah, they provide encapsulation and a changing state…but these things come for free in most good Object-Oriented Programming languages. So what gives?

As it turns out, as we suggested before, Autos are potentially more “composable” than the objects of OOP. That is because, at their heart, they are just functions. And what do functions do best (as every functional programmer knows)? They compose! Complex object built seamlessly from simpler ones.

Now, I haven’t really been able to back this up so far. We’ve only scratched the surface, and we haven’t even considered function-like things that can return other function-like things. But in the next post, as we explore more the function-like nature of these things, we will be able to witness more of the full power of machine composition. And we’ll even be able to re-implement many of the complex machines of this post with compositions of smaller, simpler Autos.

  1. It is somewhat important to note here that the semantics of FRP do not inherently involve machines. We’ll learn more about this later. For now, remember that this series will chiefly study the low-level implementation of AFRP, which may or may not be related to the semantics/abstractions of FRP — in an ideal world we wouldn’t even have to worry about implementation and just work on the level of the abstractions. Unfortunately, we don’t live in an ideal world :(↩︎

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