Inside My World (Ode to Functor and Monad)
by Justin Le ♦
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I like Haskell because it lets me live inside my world.
There are a lot of special worlds out there! And Haskell lets me stay in those worlds, and use all of the tools I normally have when I’m not there. I get to transform normal tools into tools that work in my world.
(This post is meant to be approachable by people unfamiliar with Haskell! That being said, if there is a concept you don’t understand, feel free to leave a comment, tweet me, stop by on irc at freenode’s #haskell, or give Learn You a Haskell a quick read!)
Stuck in Maybe
(Feel free to play along with the code in this section by loading it into ghci, the Haskell interpreter!)
In Haskell, we have a type called Maybe a
data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a
This says that Maybe a
is like an Enumerable type of sorts; The |
reads like “or”.
This is like saying
data Bool = False | True
to define a Bool
data type. If I have something of type Bool
, it can be (literally) False
or True
. If I have something of type Maybe a
, it can be Nothing
(nothing is there, it’s empty) or Just x
(it contains a value x
If you are used to an OOP language with templates or generics, this is similar to saying Maybe<a>
– Maybe<a>
is a parameterized type over some a
This type is useful for functions that might fail:
-- source:
-- interactive:
-- divideMaybe: Takes two integers and returns -- possibly -- their integer
-- quotient. It succeeds if the denominator is not zero, and fails if
-- it is.
divideMaybe :: Int -> Int -> Maybe Int
0 = Nothing
divideMaybe _ = Just (x `div` y)
divideMaybe x y
-- headMaybe: Takes a list and returns -- possibly -- its first element.
-- Fails if the list is empty, and succeeds with the first element
-- otherwise.
headMaybe :: [a] -> Maybe a
= Nothing
headMaybe [] :_) = Just x
headMaybe (x
-- halveMaybe: Takes an integer and returns -- possibly -- its half. Fails
-- if it is an odd number.
halveMaybe :: Int -> Maybe Int
| x `mod` 2 == 0 = Just (x `div` 2)
halveMaybe x | otherwise = Nothing
Oh hi!
For people new to Haskell:
foo :: Int -> Bool
= ... foo x
declares a function named foo
of type Int -> Bool
— we use ::
to specify type signatures. Int -> Bool
means that it takes an Int
(named x
) and returns a Bool
I’ll often just say bar :: Bool
to say “the value bar
(of type Bool
)”; you could just read ::
as “type of”.
So divideMaybe :: Int -> Int -> Maybe Int
means that divideMaybe
takes two Int
s and returns something of type Maybe Int
You might have also noticed the pattern matching construct, headMaybe (x:_)
. This matches the first element in the list to the name x
, and the rest of the list to the wildcard, _
When you want to return a value of type Maybe a
, you can either return Just x
or Nothing
(where x :: a
) — they both are members of type Maybe a
. That’s what Maybe Int
means — an Int
that might or might not be there!
If I had something of type Maybe Int
, would you know for sure if that Int
was there or not (from just the type)? You wouldn’t! You are living in the world of uncertainties.
Welcome to the world of uncertainty.1
The Problem
Okay, well, I have a Maybe Int
. Which is nice and all…but…I want to do normal inty-things with it.
That is…I have all these functions that work only on Int
-- source:
-- interactive:
addThree :: Int -> Int
= (+ 3)
square :: Int -> Int
= (^ 2)
showInt :: Int -> String
showInt = show
But…I can’t do these things on Maybe Int
> addThree (Just 5)
ghci*** SCARY ERROR!
*** addThree takes an Int but you gave it a Maybe Int.
*** What are you trying to do anyway, wise guy.
In this post, commands at the interactive Haskell interpreter (REPL) ghci are prefaced with the prompt ghci>
. If you see ghci>
, it means that this is something you’d enter at ghci. If not, it is normal Haskell source code!
In ghci
, we also have this command :t
that you’ll be seeing often that lets you find the type of something:
> :t True
ghciTrue :: Bool
In most other languages, to get around this, you would “exit” your uncertain world. That is, you would turn your uncertain 5 into either a certain 5 or an error. Or you would turn your uncertain 5 into either a certain 5 or some “default” value.
That is, you would use functions like these to exit your world:2
-- source:
-- interactive:
certaintify :: Maybe a -> a
Just x) = x
certaintify (Nothing = error "Nothing was there, you fool!"
certaintifyWithDefault :: a -> Maybe a -> a
Just x) = x
certaintifyWithDefault _ (Nothing = d certaintifyWithDefault d
And then you can just willy-nilly use your normal Int -> Int
functions on what you pull out…using various “error handling” mechanisms if it was Nothing
> addThree (certaintify (headMaybe [1,2,3]))
> square (certaintify (halveMaybe 7))
ghci*** Exception: Nothing was there, you fool!
> square (certaintifyWithDefault 0 (halveMaybe 7))
But…work with me here. Let’s say I want to live in my uncertain world.
There are a lot of reasons why one might want to do that.
Let’s say you had a function that looked up a person from a database given their ID number. But not all ID numbers have a person attached, so the function might fail and not lookup anyone.
personFromId :: ID -> Maybe Person
And you also had a function that returned the age of a given person:
age :: Person -> Int
What if you wanted to write a function that looked up the age of the person in that database with that ID. The result is going to also be in a Maybe
, because the given ID might not correspond to anyone to have an age for.
ageFromId :: ID -> Maybe Int
In this case, it would make no sense to “exit” the world of uncertainty as soon as we get a Maybe Person
, and then “re-enter” it somehow when you return the Maybe Int
. Our entire answer is shrouded in uncertainty, so we need to stay inside this world the entire time. We want to find a way to deal with values inside a world without leaving it.
So we have a function Person -> Int
, and a Maybe Person
…darnit. How do we use our age
function, without leaving Maybe
? We certainly want to re-use the same function somehow, and not write it again from scratch!
Can I have a lift?
So the problem: I have a function a -> b
that I want to be able to use on a Maybe a
…I want to stay in my Maybe
world and use that function on the uncertain value.
If you look at this carefully, we want some sort of “function transformer”. Give our transformer an a -> b
, it’ll output a new function Maybe a -> Maybe b
. The new function takes an a
that may or may not be there, and outputs a b
that may or not be there.
We want a function of type (a -> b) -> (Maybe a -> Maybe b)
Let’s make one! It’ll apply the function to the value inside a Just
, and leave a Nothing
-- source:
-- interactive:
inMaybe :: (a -> b) -> (Maybe a -> Maybe b)
= liftedF
inMaybe f where
Just x) = Just (f x)
liftedF (Nothing = Nothing liftedF
What can we do with it?
> let addThreeInMaybe = inMaybe addThree
ghci> addThreeInMaybe (Just 7)
ghciJust 10
> addThreeInMaybe Nothing
> (inMaybe square) (Just 9)
ghciJust 81
> (inMaybe showInt) Nothing
> (inMaybe showInt) (Just 8)
ghciJust "8"
Wow! We can now use normal functions and still stay inside my uncertain world. We could even write our ageFromId
-- source:
-- interactive:
ageFromId :: ID -> Maybe Int
= (inMaybe age) (personFromId i) ageFromId i
Now we are no longer afraid of dealing with uncertainty. It’s a scary realm, but as long as we have inMaybe
…all of our normal tools apply!
> let x = headMaybe [2,3,4] -- x = Just 2
ghci> let y = (inMaybe square) x -- y = Just 4
ghci> let z = (inMaybe addThree) y -- z = Just 7
ghci> (inMaybe (> 5)) z
ghciJust True
> let x' = halveMaybe 7 -- x' = Nothing
ghci> let y' = (inMaybe square) x' -- y' = Nothing
ghci> let z' = (inMaybe addThree) y' -- z' = Nothing
ghci> (inMaybe (> 5)) z'
This concept of “bringing functions into worlds” is actually a useful and generalizable concept. In fact, in the standard libraries, there’s a typeclass (which is like an interface, sorta, for you Java/OOP people) that provides a common API/interface for “worlds that you can bring functions into.”
We call it Functor
, and this “bring into world” function is called fmap
It should come as no surprise that Maybe
is a Functor, so fmap
does take any function a -> b
and “lifts” it into the Maybe
world, turning it into a Maybe a -> Maybe b
for Maybe
is incidentally exactly our inMaybe
> (fmap square) (headMaybe [4,5,6])
ghciJust 16
> (fmap square) (halveMaybe 7)
Any “legitimate” instance of Functor
must satisfy a couple of properties — “laws”, so to speak. These laws basically ensure that whatever instance you define is useful and sensible, and follow what sort of meaning fmap
is supposed to convey.
fmap (f . g)
should equalfmap f . fmap g
; that is, lifting composed functions be the same as composing lifted functions. ((.)
is the function composition operator)fmap id thing
should leavething
Some notes before we move on!
First of all, even though we have been writing things like (fmap f) x
, the parentheses are actually unnecessary due to the way Haskell associates function calls. So (fmap f) x
is the same as fmap f x
, and we’ll be writing it that way from now on.
Secondly, an infix operator alias for fmap
exists: (<$>)
. That way, you can write fmap f x
as f <$> x
, which is meant to look similar to f $ x
> addThree $ 7
> addThree <$> Just 7
ghciJust 10
> addThree <$> Nothing
(For those unfamiliar, f $ x
= f x
Sort of a big deal
Let’s pause and reflect to see that this is sort of a big deal, and see what problem Functor
just solved.
In another language, you might somehow have a Maybe<Int>
(using generics syntax). And you have lots and lots and lots of functions that take Int
s. Heck, why would you even ever have a function take a Maybe<Int>
? A function would be like:
class Monster {
void deal_damage(int damage) {};
where your deal_damage
function would take an integer. So Maybe Int
is useless! You either have to re-write deal_damage
to take a Maybe Int
, and have two versions of it, or you turn your Maybe Int
into an Int
In this light, Maybe
is a huge nuisance. It is a big, annoying thing to deal with and it probably results in a lot of boilerplate, making you either duplicate functions or extract Maybe
values every time you get one.
But now…now, Maybe
is not a nuisance, and there is no boilerplate. All your functions now…just work, as they are!
And this is a big deal.
Okay, so we now can turn a -> b
into Maybe a -> Maybe b
That might be nice, but if you scroll up just a bit, you might see that there are other functions that might be interesting to apply on a Maybe a
What about halveMaybe :: Int -> Maybe Int
? Can I use halveMaybe
on a Maybe Int
> let x = divideMaybe 12 3 -- x = Just 4 :: Maybe Int
ghci> halveMaybe x
ghci*** SCARY ERROR!
*** halveMaybe takes an Int but you gave it
*** a Maybe Int. Please think about your life.
Oh no! Maybe we can’t really stay inside our Maybe
world after all!
This might be important! Let’s imagine this trip down our world of uncertainty — let’s say we wanted a function halfOfAge
halfOfAge :: ID -> Maybe Int
That returns (possibly), half of the age of the person corresponding to that ID (and Nothing
if the person looked up has an odd age. Because odd ages don’t have halves, of course.). Well, we already have ageFromId :: ID -> Maybe Int
, but we want to apply halveMaybe
to that Maybe Int
. But we can’t! Because halveMaybe
only works on Int
We can’t even use fmap
, because:
> :t fmap halveMaybe
ghcifmap halveMaybe :: Maybe Int -> Maybe (Maybe Int)
Wrong wrong wrong! We don’t want a Maybe Int -> Maybe (Maybe Int)
, we want a Maybe Int -> Maybe Int
! fmap
lifts “both sides” of the function, but we only want, in this case, to “lift” the input.
This is a disaster!
But wait, calm down. We have overcome similar things before. With our recent journey to Functor enlightenment in mind, let’s try to look for a similar path.
We had an a -> b
that we wanted to apply to a Maybe a
, we used fmap
to turn it into a Maybe a -> Maybe b
. So we have a a -> Maybe b
here that we want to apply to a Maybe a
. The plan is simple! We turn an a -> Maybe b
into a Maybe a -> Maybe b
. Let’s pretend we had such a function.
liftInput :: (a -> Maybe b) -> (Maybe a -> Maybe b)
How should we expect this to behave?
Well, let’s think this through case-by-case.
If we want to apply halveMaybe
to a number that isn’t there…well…it should also return a number that isn’t there. It should propagate the not-thereness.
If we want to apply halveMaybe
to a number that is there…well, just apply it to that number, and take that result! If the result is there, then you have a result there. If the result is not there, then you don’t.
We have enough to write this out ourselves:
-- source:
-- interactive:
liftInput :: (a -> Maybe b) -> (Maybe a -> Maybe b)
= liftedF
liftInput f where
Nothing = Nothing
liftedF Just x) = f x liftedF (
> :t liftInput halveMaybe
ghciMaybe Int -> Maybe Int
> let x = divideMaybe 12 3 -- x = Just 4 :: Maybe Int
ghci> (liftInput halveMaybe) x
ghciJust 2
> let y = divideMaybe 12 0 -- y = Nothing :: Maybe Int
ghci> (liftInput halveMaybe) y
Neat! Now we don’t have to fear a -> Maybe b
’s…we can use them and still stay in our world, without leaving our world of uncertainty!
-- source:
-- interactive:
halfOfAge :: ID -> Maybe Int
= (liftInput halveMaybe) (ageFromId i) halfOfAge i
Like with Functor and fmap
, this general pattern of turning an a -> f b
into an f a -> f b
is also useful to generalize.
In general, you can think functions a -> world b
as functions that “bring you into your world”. We would like to turn it, in general, into world a -> world b
. Lifting the input only, so to speak.
We say that if a world has such a way of lifting the input of such a function (plus some other requirements), it implements the Monad
Monad is a typeclass (which is kinda like an interface), so that means that if Maybe
is a Monad, it “implements” that way to turn a a -> Maybe b
into a Maybe a -> Maybe b
We call this (a -> Maybe b) -> (Maybe a -> Maybe b)
function “bind”.
Now, embarrassingly enough, “bind” actually isn’t called bind
in the standard library…it actually only exists as an operator, (=<<)
(Remember how there was an operator form of fmap
? We have both fmap
and (<$>)
? Well, in this case, we only have the operator form of bind
, (=<<)
. Yeah, I know. But we live with it just fine!).
is exactly our liftInput
for Maybe
. Let’s try it out:
> :t (=<<) halveMaybe
ghciMaybe Int -> Maybe Int
> let x = divideMaybe 12 3 -- x = Just 4 :: Maybe Int
-- use it as a prefix function
> (=<<) halveMaybe x
ghciJust 2
> let y = divideMaybe 12 0 -- y = Nothing :: Maybe Int
-- use it as an infix operator
> halveMaybe =<< y
And now maybe we can finally rest easy knowing that we can “stay inside Maybe
” and never have to leave it.
The “other thing” that Monad has to have (the other thing that the “interface” demands, besides (=<<)
) is a way to “bring a value into your world”.
This function is called return
For example, for Maybe
, we need a way to take a normal value like an Int
and “bring it into” our world of uncertainty — an Int -> Maybe Int
. For Maybe
, semantically, to bring something like 7
into the world of uncertainty…well, we already know the 7
is there. So to bring a 7
into Maybe
, it’s just Just 7
For an instance of Monad
to be considered legitimate, there are a few rules/laws that return
and (=<<)
must obey when used together in order to be useful (just like for Functor
). If you define nonsensical return
and (=<<)
, of course, your instance won’t be very useful anyway, and you wouldn’t be able to reason with how they work together. The laws sort of are some way of ensuring that your instance is useful and sensible, and that (=<<)
and return
make sense at all.
Now, for some strange reason, it is actually much more popular to use (>>=)
over (=<<)
; (>>=)
is just (=<<)
> halveMaybe =<< Just 8
ghciJust 4
> Just 8 >>= halveMaybe
ghciJust 4
This is really weird! I mean…really really weird! Why would you ever put the function you are applying after the value you are applying it to? That’s like having x :: a
and f :: a -> b
, and doing x f
or something!
Why is this style the norm? Who knows!4 People are just weird!
For the rest of this article, we will be using (=<<)
; just be aware that you might see (>>=)
out in the wild more often!
Thanks to Functor and Monad, we now have a way to confidently stay in our world of uncertainty and still use normal functions on our uncertain values — we only have to use the right “lifters”.
If you have an x :: Maybe a
and you have a:
f :: a -> b
, then usefmap
—fmap f x
orf <$> x
f :: a -> Maybe b
, then use(=<<)
—f =<< x
Armed with these two, you can comfortably stay in Maybe
without ever having to “get out of it”!
A big picture
Again, the big picture is this: sometimes we get values inside contexts, or worlds. But we have functions like a -> world b
that produce values inside your world.
Which normally would leave you “high and dry”, because you can’t, say, apply that same function twice. You either have to write a new world a -> world b
version or some other boilerplate.
With Functor, we can make normal functions treat our world values like normal values; with Monad, we can do the same with functions that “bring us into” worlds. With these two together…maybe contexted values aren’t so bad after all!
Other Worlds
on Worlds
You might have noticed that up until now I have used the word “world” pretty vaguely.
When I say that a value is “inside” a “world”, I mean that it “lives” inside the context of what that world represents. A Maybe a
is an a
living in the Maybe
“world” — it is an a
that can exist or not exist. Maybe
represents a context of existing-or-not-existing.5
But there are other worlds, and other contexts too. And though I have shown you what Functor and Monad look like for Maybe
…you probably need to see a few more examples to be really convinced that these are general design patterns that you can apply to multiple “values in contexts”.
It’s important to remember that fmap
and (=<<)
don’t really have any inherent semantic meaning…and their usefulness and “meaning” come from just the specific instance. We saw what they “did” for Maybe
, but their meaning came from Maybe
itself. For other worlds, as we will see, we can make them mean completely different things.
There are some important nuances that might trip you up! Though useful worlds are instances of Monad, it is improper to say that “Monads are worlds/values in contexts”. That’s not what Monads are. Monads are just Monads (the two functions and their laws), no more and no less.
In our usage here, Functor and Monad mean only “these things implement some sort of fmap
and (=<<)
, etc., and those two are useful.” That is, the interface offered by Functor and Monad are useful for our specific world. But there are plenty of Functors and Monads that are not “worlds”.
Anyways, here is a whirlwind tour of different worlds, to help you realize how often you’ll actually want to live in these worlds in Haskell, and why having fmap
and (=<<)
are so useful!
The world of future values
(Play along with this section too by loading the source!)
In Haskell, we have a Reader r
world. You can think of (Reader r) a
as a little machine that “waits” for something of type r
, then uses it to (purely) make an a
. The a
doesn’t exist yet; it’s a future a
that will exist as soon as you give it an r
-- source:
-- interactive:
-- futureLength: A future `Int` that will be the length of whatever the
-- list it is waiting for will be.
futureLength :: (Reader [a]) Int
-- futureHead: An future `a` that will be the first element of whatever the
-- list it is waiting for will be.
futureHead :: (Reader [a]) a
-- futureOdd: A future `Bool` that will be whether the `Int` it is waiting
-- for is odd or not.
futureOdd :: (Reader Int) Bool
is a “future Int
”; an Int
waiting (for an [a]
) to be realized. futureHead
is a “future a
”, waiting for an [a]
We use the function runReader
to “force” the a
out of the (Reader r) a
-- given a `(Reader r) a` and an `r`, uses that `r` to finally get the `a`:
runReader :: (Reader r) a -> r -> a
> runReader futureLength [1,2,3]
> runReader futureHead [1,2,3]
> runReader futureOdd 6
> runReader futureOdd 5
Welcome to the world of future values.
It is important to note here that (Reader Int) Bool
and (Reader [Int]) Bool
do not exist in the same world. One lives in a Reader Int
world — a world of future values awaiting an Int
. The other lives in a Reader [Int]
world — a world of future values awaiting an [Int]
Let’s say I have a future Int
. Say, futureLength
, waiting on an [a]
. And I have a function (< 5) :: Int -> Bool
. Can I apply (< 5)
to my future Int
, in order to get a future Bool
At first, no! This future Int
is useless! I can’t even use it in any of my normal functions! Time to reach for the exit button?
Oh — but, because Reader [a]
is a Functor, I can use fmap
to turn (< 5) :: Int -> Bool
into fmap (< 5) :: (Reader [a]) Int -> (Reader [a]) Bool
-- source:
-- interactive:
futureShorterThan :: Int -> (Reader [a]) Bool
= fmap (< n) futureLength
futureShorterThan n
futureShorterThan5 :: (Reader [a]) Bool
= futureShorterThan 5 futureShorterThan5
> runReader futureShorterThan5 [1,2,3]
> runReader (futureShorterThan 3) [1,2,3,4]
And voilà, we have a future Bool
. We turned an Int -> Bool
into a function that takes a future Int
and returns a future Bool
. We applied (< 5)
to our future length, to get a future Bool
telling us if that length is less than 5.
So futureShorterThan
is a function that takes an Int
and turns it into a future Bool
. Let’s go…deeper. What if I wanted to apply futureShorterThan
to a future Int
? To still get a future Bool
I can’t apply futureShorterThan
to a future Int
straight-up, because it only takes Int
. Boo! But, wait — Reader [Int]
is a Monad, so that means I can take the Int -> (Reader [a]) Bool
and turn it into a (Reader [a]) Int -> (Reader [a]) Bool
using (=<<)
Using (=<<)
, we turned a function from Int
to a future Bool
to a function from a future Int
to a future Bool
futureShorterThan :: Int -> (Reader [a]) Bool
=<<) futureShorterThan :: (Reader [a]) Int -> (Reader [a]) Bool (
Hm. Let’s try this out on a future Int
we have…we can use futureHead :: (Reader [Int]) Int
-- source:
-- interactive:
futureShorterThanHead :: (Reader [Int]) Bool
= futureShorterThan =<< futureHead futureShorterThanHead
So, we are applying futureShorterThan
to the Int
we got from futureHead
. And so we get a future Bool
that tells us if that future Int
we got from the input list is shorter than the input list.
> runReader futureShorterThanHead [1,2,3]
> runReader futureShorterThanHead [5,2,3]
Now, we can live in a world of “future values”, and now use all of our “normal” functions on future values!
In another language, we might have had to do this complicated dance of “forcing” futures to get the value (to “exit” the world of future values), applying functions to that value, and going “back into” the future.
But now, we don’t have to be scared of future values. We can work with them just as well as if they were normal values, and “leave” them as futures the entire time, without ever forcing them until when we really need to, and only force them once.
Who said futures were complicated, anyway?
The world of “IO”
(The source code for this section is also available online for you to play with!)
And now we go into the most infamous of Haskell worlds, IO
is “kind of like” our Reader r
world — an IO Int
is an Int
that doesn’t yet exist…but that will be computed by a CPU/computer when a CPU executes it.
In this sense, an IO Int
is kind of like a little packet of Assembly or C code — it contains instructions (assembly commands, machine language) for a computer to do this and that and eventually produce an Int
. An IO String
could, for example, be a little packet of C code that reads a file and outputs the contents of that file. The String
doesn’t exist yet — but it will, once the computer executes those commands.
If you’ve ever used a Unix operating system, there is a shell command ls
that lists the contents of a directory. The actual ls
program is kind of like an IO [FilePath]
. The [FilePath]
does not “exist” inside” ls
— rather, ls
is a program that promises a list of FilePath
s when it is executed by the computer or interpreter.
So an IO String
doesn’t “contain” a String
— it is a program that promises a String
in the future, when a computer eventually executes it,6.
One common IO object we are given is getLine :: IO String
. getLine
is kind of like the Unix program cat
— it promises a String
, and it gets that String
by taking in from standard input. That is, it is a program that, when executed by a computer, pulls a line from stdin, and returns that as the String
it promises. getLine
contains instructions for a computer to get a String
from stdin. A future/promised String
We want to apply length :: String -> Int
to that future/promised String
, to get us a future/promised Int
. Again, we can’t apply length
to getLine
directly — but because IO
is a Functor, we can use fmap length :: IO String -> IO Int
getLine :: IO String
length :: String -> Int
fmap length :: IO String -> IO Int
fmap length getLine :: IO Int
We had a function that only worked on String
, but we made it work the “future/promised” String
of IO String
Let’s look at a function returning an IO action wc
, which takes a filename and returns a program that, when executed, promises an Int
— the number of lines in that file.
-- source:
-- interactive:
wc :: String -> IO Int
So wc "file.txt"
would evaluate to a computation that, when executed by a computer, produces an Int
(by loading the file from disk using system calls, reading it, and counting the lines).
is a function that takes a (non-future, normal) String
But what if we wanted to apply wc
to getLine
, the IO String
we had? We want to apply wc
to that “future String
”. We can’t apply it directly. We want to turn our String -> IO Int
into an IO String -> IO Int
Luckily, IO
is a Monad, so we have (=<<)
at our disposal.
getLine :: IO String
wc :: String -> IO Int
=<<) wc :: IO String -> IO Int
(=<< getLine :: IO Int wc
What does wc =<< getLine
do, as a program? How does it compute that Int
Conceptually, it all sort of “makes sense” if you look at it from a high level view. getLine
is an IO String
— a future String
. wc
takes a String
and returns a future Int
. If we “applied wc
to getLine
”, we would be applying wc
to that future String
, to get a future Int
And so there we have it — we don’t ever have to actually work “directly” with computed values a
that are received from IO. All we ever have to do is work with IO a
, and we can use all of our normal functions on that IO a
, as if they were normal a
In that way, we don’t have to be scared of working with “future computable values” — we can use all of our normal tools on them!
Even more
There are lots of other worlds besides just Maybe
, Reader r
, and IO
. Each one comes with their own unique semantics/meanings/contexts, and their own answer for what fmap
and (=<<)
are supposed to “mean”.
Here are some others — with brief descriptions.
The world of
Either e
, which is likeMaybe
in which things may or may not be there. But inEither e
, when things aren’t there, they come with a reason why they are not (of typee
).The world of
, where things are the results of computations that have ambiguous answers. I wrote a series of posts on this :)The world of
State s
, which is a world of future things awaiting ans
, which modify thes
in the process.The world of
, which is a world of things that an input string will be parsed into.
There are many more! The great thing about Haskell is that with fmap
and (=<<)
, it is easy to work with values inside these worlds with all of your normal functions, without any real extra effort. Normal functions, normal values, values inside worlds…we have them all at our disposal.
Haskell lets me stay inside my world!
Final Notes
For some further reading, Gabriella Gonzalez’s “Functor Design Pattern” post covers a similar concept for people more familiar with Haskell and explains it more elegantly than I ever could have.
Don’t forget as you’re reading and moving on that it’s not correct to say “Functors are worlds”, or “Monads are worlds”. As I mentioned before in an aside, Monads aren’t “anything” other than the functions and the laws. Rather, if we look at Maybe
, etc. as a “world”, then having a Monad interface/instance allows us to do cool things with that world.
Feel free to again play around with the code used here and load it in ghci yourself!
Experienced readers might have noted an unconventional omission of “Applicative Functors”, which (since 2008-ish) traditionally goes somewhere in between the section on Functor and the section on Monad. Applicative Functors, in this context, are handy in that they let you combine two values in worlds together; that is, if you have a Maybe a
and a Maybe b
, it allows you to use an a -> b -> c
to “squash” them into a Maybe c
. This squashing action is called liftA2
As always, if you have any questions, leave them in the comments, or come find me on freenode’s #haskell — I go by jle` :)
(Special thanks to c_wraith and rhaps0dy for their time reviewing this post)
Dun dun dun!↩︎
In the standard libraries,
exist in theData.Maybe
module asfromJust
, respectively.↩︎It also needs
, which I will mention in due time.↩︎I know! And I’m not telling! Just kidding.
is actually a lot of times more useful than(=<<)
, despite its awkward reversed nature.One major reason is that things end up looking more “imperative” (which may or may not be desired). Imagine
divideMaybe 12 3 >>= halveMaybe >>= halveMaybe
versushalveMaybe =<< halveMaybe =<< divideMaybe 12 3
.Believe it or not, usage of Monads was originally motivated by structuring IO actions. So, in that setting, it seemed natural to have an “imperative-y” feel.
Also, in the popular “do notation” syntactical sugar,
is used in the desugaring and not(=<<)
, so(>>=)
pops out naturally when reasoning about Monads coming through do notation.Also, whenever you use lambda syntax (like
(\x -> f x)
might be nice, because lambda syntax carries some sort of inherent left-to-rightness in it with the arrow. It’s also tricky to write “chained binds” using lambda syntax using(=<<)
— try writingf >>= (\x -> g >>= (\y -> h x y))
and you’ll see that it’s slightly less natural.Still, it is worth being aware that
is a is a bit “different” from the rest of the pack of normal Haskell function application and composition operators; it is unique in that it is the only one where the backwards form is more common than the normal one.Even the term “bind” is often used to refer to both.
A general guideline is that you ever mix a bind with a
and/or a($)
, you should prefer(=<<)
, to prevent your eyes from jumping directions.↩︎In Haskell, “worlds” are represented at the type level as type constructors.
is a type constructor that takes a type likeInt
and returns a new type,Maybe Int
. Not all type constructors represent Worlds, of course.↩︎An important distinction between
and the other worlds we have looked at is that there is no way to “exit” the world ofIO
within Haskell. That is, there is no meaningfulIO a -> a
.If you think about it for a while, it kind of makes sense. If
IO a
is assembly code for a computer…the only thing that can “get” thata
is the computer itself — by shifting those registers, ticking that program clock, reading from IO…Remember, a Haskell program can only “evaluate” expressions, not “execute” them. The execution is the computer’s job. When you compile a Haskell program, the compiler takes whatever
IO ()
is namedmain
in your program, evaluates it, and compiles it into a binary. Then you, the computer user, can execute that binary like any other binary (compiled from C or whatever). Because you can never “exit”IO
in your Haskell code, this makesIO
an extreme version of the worlds we mentioned before; in the others, we could “exit” the world if we really wanted to. We only usedfmap
because it provided for beautiful abstractions. This topic is discussed in depth at an old blog post of mine.Because of this, if it weren’t for Functor and Monad, it would be extremely hard to do anything useful with
! We literally can’t pass anIO a
into any normal function. We need Functor and Monad for us to ever work at all with our “future values” with normal functions!↩︎